
  • 网络immunization route
  1. 结论滴鼻免疫可以作为抗牙龈卟啉单胞菌DNA疫苗有效的黏膜免疫途径,诱导循环和口腔局部抗体反应;

    Conclusion Nasal dropping may be an effective mucosal immunization route of anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis DNA vaccine to elicit specific antibody responses in serum and oral region .

  2. 免疫诱导的炎症是其主要原因,免疫复合物沉积于肾小球,或激活某些免疫途径而引起组织损伤,非免疫诱导则与肾脏血管及肾血流动力学改变有关。

    Immune-induced inflammation is the main pathogenesis . Kidneys are injured by immune complexes depositing on glomerulars , or activating certain immunization route . Non-immune-induced way is related to renal blood vessels or renal hemodynamic changes .

  3. 寄生虫DNA疫苗免疫途径和剂量的研究进展

    Studies on the inoculation route and dosage of DNA vaccine for parasites

  4. DNA疫苗免疫途径的研究现状

    The current study on routes of DNA vaccine immunization

  5. DNA疫苗的转染载体及免疫途径

    Transfection vehicles and inoculation methods of DNA vaccine

  6. ND几种免疫途径对粘膜免疫效果的影响

    The Influence of Immune Approaches on Mucosal Immunity Effect of Newcastle Disease Vaccine

  7. 免疫途径及载体对乙肝病毒DNA疫苗免疫效果影响的研究

    HBV DNA vaccine immunization the effects of DNA vector constructs and routes of gene delivery on the induction of antiviral immunity

  8. 不同新城疫疫苗和免疫途径对鸡新城疫HI抗体的影响

    Effect of Newcastle Disease HI Antibody of Chicken Inoculated with Different Vaccine and Method

  9. 重组幽门螺杆菌尿素酶B亚单位疫苗(rHp)剂型及免疫途径的实验研究

    Study on Preparations and Immunization Routes of Recombinant Urease B Subunit Vaccine of Hp

  10. 传染性支气管炎弱毒苗黏膜免疫途径对雏鸡气管及哈德氏腺SIgA细胞分布的影响

    Influence of Mucosal Immune with Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine on the Distribution of SIgA Cells in Chicken 's Trachea and Harderian Gland

  11. 目的研究不同免疫途径对马疫锥虫动基体DNA(kDNA)诱导正常小鼠产生抗双链DNA(dsDNA)抗体及其致病性的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of different immunization methods on the production and pathogenicity of anti-dsDNA antibodies induced by kinetoplast DNA ( kDNA ) derived from trypanosoma equiperdum ( TE ) on normal mice .

  12. 根据这些结果我们推测,Wolbachia可能一方面激活了宿主的免疫途径,另一方面却对其精子发生产生不利影响。

    According to these results we infer that , Wolbachia infection may activate host immune path , however , take some adverse effect on spermatogenesis .

  13. Eg95基因疫苗不同免疫途径的体液免疫应答比较

    A comparative study on humoral immune responses of gene vaccine by the different inoculation routes

  14. 布鲁氏菌M-111菌苗对绵羊免疫途径次数、剂量、持续期研究

    The Research of Brucella Melitensis Strain M - 111 Vaccine for The Routes , Dose , Number of Times and Duration of Sheep

  15. 这是因为VP35蛋白干扰了宿主的固有免疫途径&这是抵抗病原的第一道防线,他还说。

    This is because the VP35 protein interferes with the host 's innate immune pathways that form the first line of defense against pathogens , he said .

  16. 免疫途径对鸡全身性免疫应答水平的影响

    The effect of Immune Routes on General Immune Response of Chickens

  17. 鸡球虫疫苗不同免疫途径保护效果的试验

    Experiment on Protecting Results of Chicken Ballworms Vaccine Immuned By Different Methods

  18. 番鸭呼肠病毒活疫苗免疫途径及其效果研究

    Studies on Immunization Routes on Muscovy duck reovirus Alive Vaccine

  19. 几种不同基因免疫途径的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Inoculation Routes of Gene Immunization

  20. 不同免疫途径的免疫机制不同,所诱导的免疫保护力的强弱和维持的时间也不尽相同。

    Different inoculation routes could result in different immunologic potency and persistent time .

  21. 不同免疫途径对蛋用鸡分泌型免疫球蛋白A细胞分布的影响

    Effect of Immune Ways on the Distribution of Immunoglobulin A secreting cells in layers

  22. 鸡痘弱毒苗几种免疫途径的安全性及免疫效果

    Immunity and Safety of A Live Vaccine against Avian Pox with Different Immunization Routes

  23. 草鱼口服出血病疫苗的免疫途径及效果

    Immune Ways and Effect of Grass Carp Hemorrhage Virus Vaccine Taken Orally on Grass Carp

  24. 黏膜免疫途径的研究进展

    Research progress in the mucosal immune

  25. 由细胞免疫途径造成的有害作用被称为迟发型超敏反应。

    Harmful effects produced by the mechanisms of cell-mediated immunity are referred to as delayed hypersensitivity .

  26. 提高机体的免疫力必须选择最佳的免疫途径。

    To raise the immunity of the organism , the optimal immune pathway should be selected .

  27. 而许多研究证明分枝杆菌采用多种免疫途径均可调节Th1/Th2平衡。

    Many studies have shown that Mycobacterium used a variety of immune pathway can control the Th1 / Th2balance .

  28. 现对国外透皮免疫途径的免疫机制、免疫佐剂和在疫苗上的应用进展综述。

    Now , TCI as immunological mechanism , the adjuvant and broadly applicable approach to vaccination is discussed in the context .

  29. 本文从疫苗、免疫途径、鱼体、环境等4个方面介绍了免疫受控的研究进展。

    This article introduces progress of research on controlled immunity from four aspect of vaccine , immune way , fish , and environment .

  30. 而现有疫苗存在着成本较高、免疫途径不便、免疫效果不佳等缺陷。

    But these vaccines have a lot of disadvantages such as high cost , side effects , inconvenience immunization , poorly immune defects .