- 网络Photosynthesis and respiration

Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on growth , photosynthesis and respiration of Cucumis sativus leaves on different positions
( Sp ) AIp-90011 has similar photosynthesis and respiration to the initial strain , but ( Sp ) AIp-90010 obviously has higher photosynthetic rate and lower respiration .
Effect of Soil Lacking Boron on the Photosynthesis and Breathing in Mulberry Leaf
The effects of pvy ~ n - infection on the photosynthesis and respiration of Tabacco
Iron is an important component of variety proteins in the cells of higher plants .
Leaves are the primary organs required by plants to carry out photosynthesis and respiration , and they are closely related to agricultural yield .
The effects of SO2 on plant photosynthesis and respiration were elaborated and the reasons and ways of plant photosynthesis changes resulted from SO2 were analyzed ;
The results indicated that the increase of lipid peroxidation might cause disorder and damage of membrane systems , and decrease of photosynthesis and respiration resulting from damaged ultrastructure was the physiological factor resulting in decreased grain yield .
At the same time its leaves are the primary organs of photosynthesis and respiration . Their color , type and size could affect plant types and photosynthesis directly , output and quality of rice also be influenced consequently .
It is shown that the states of PCI depend on the rates of photosynthesis , amylum hydrolysis and respiration .