
  1. 结果表明基于最小总风险准则的贝叶斯网络分类模型可以有效地减少信用评估的风险。

    Results show Bayesian network classifiers on Minimum Overall Risk rule can decrease the risk of credit scoring effectively .

  2. 信用风险评估与风险预警在金融业中已引起极高的重视,尤其是银行信贷业务中的信用风险评估已经取得了阶段性成果,这些成果的运用降低了银行信贷风险,提高了银行效益。

    The evaluation of credit risk and risk pre-warning are highlighted in the financial sector , some research achievements of credit evaluation are widely used in loan business in banks , the application of these achievements reduced risks and increased profit in banks ' loan business .

  3. 该体系主要包括信用风险评估、信用风险度量、信用风险定价、信用风险控制和信用风险文化五个子系统组成。

    The system includes credit risk evaluation , credit risk measurement , credit risk pricing , credit risk control and credit risk culture .

  4. 其基本内涵包括个人信用登记、个人信用评估、个人信用风险预警个人信用风险转移以及个人信用风险管理。

    Its essential connation contains the individual credit register , the individual credit estimate , the individual credit risk early warning , the individual credit risk transfer and the individual credit risk management .

  5. 客观形势要求我国应完善个人信用制度,其基本内容包括个人信用登记、个人信用评估、个人信用风险预警、个人信用风险管理及个人信用奖惩。

    Objective situation demands us perfect individual credit system , which includes basically individual credit register , individual credit rating , individual credit risk prevention , individual credit risk management and individual credit rewards and punishments .

  6. 一个全面的信用风险管理体系应包括9大要素:内部环境,目标设定,信用事项识别,信用风险评估,信用风险应对,控制活动,信息与沟通,监控以及压力测试。

    An integrated credit risk management system should include the nine major elements : internal environment , objective setting , credit event identification , credit risk assessment , credit risk response , control activities , information & communication , monitoring and stress testing .