
  1. 在建立企业信用主体性评价指标体系时,加强了反映企业现金流量的评价指标。

    We strengthen the evalution indexes of reflecting corporate cash flow capacity when building the corporate credit evaluation system .

  2. 政府既是社会经济活动的管理者又是信用主体的矛盾。

    Contradiction of that the government is the manager in social economic activities as well as subject of credit .

  3. 但是政府作为特殊的信用主体,对其失信行为的治理则不能不从主观方面入手。

    However , as a special subject of credit , the dishonesty governance of a government shall not start from the subjective aspect .

  4. 这种不对称的货币政策和财政政策,带来了国家间目标不一致性的矛盾、经济发展的失衡、信用主体的缺失以及应对不对称冲击时的乏力。

    The asymmetry of monetary and fiscal policy has resulted in target inconsistencies among countries , the imbalance of economic development , the lack of credit subject , and being swamped with asymmetric shocks .

  5. 再次,分别以各信用主体为对象阐述我国目前信用缺失的表现,对作为信用监管部门的政府信用缺失原因进行顺带分析,为接下来信用缺失原因分析作铺垫。

    Thirdly , representation of credit loss for the main body are described , as a main point , Government credit loss as an inspection department is analyzed by the way for the following research .

  6. 金融:对象是货币,方式是信用,主体是银行。

    Finance : the objective is money , method is credit , and the mainbody is bank .

  7. 企业、个人、政府形成信用行为主体,市场经济就是信用主体行为在社会范围内的重复。

    Enterprise , individual , government form the subject of credit , the market-oriented economy is the main body behavior in the social credit within the scope repeated above .

  8. 影子银行体系是指一般银行之外的信用媒介主体及其活动,它为市场主体提供了更多融资选择,具有一定的积极作用。

    Shadow Banking System refers to the fiduciary media topic and relative activities , excluding those in ordinary banks . Providing the market topic with more choices of financing , it acts as a positive role .

  9. 信用的主体是多种多样的,包括政府信用、企业信用、团体信用以及个人信用,这些主体之间的信用关系的总和构成了社会信用体系,其中政府信用处于社会信用体系的核心地位。

    Thus , there are a lot of bearers for the credibility , including government credibility , enterprise credibility , organization credibility and individual credibility , etc. The relation among all these bearers of credibility forms the social credit system .

  10. 因为银行是创造信用的主体,派生存款的放大功能使风险加大,而且现代市场经济已形成全社会的信用体系,各个体系间影响密切。

    Third , the risk has dispensability because the bank is the body to create credit . The amplification function increases the risk , and modern market economy has formed the society-level credit system , of which each system has close relation with others .

  11. 文中对三农融资信用担保主体的内涵与外延进行了讨论,对三农融资信用担保进行法理分析:界定三农融资信用担保的法律性质、法律关系、法律价值。

    The paper on the subject of credit guarantee financing of the connotation and extension of a discussion on the credit guarantees to finance the legal analysis : define the credit guarantee financing of the legal nature of the legal relations , legal value .

  12. 在货币演变过程中,货币的信用担保主体逐步外化,但其信用结构最后都收敛为对货币具有普遍接受能力的信任,所以货币的本质是信用,它贯穿了货币演变的全过程。

    The subject of credit guarantee has gradually externalized in the evolvement course of money , but its credit structure eventually converges on the trust in the universal acceptability of money . Therefore , the essence of money is credit , which penetrates the whole evolvement process of money .

  13. 首先,理性是信用行为的主体能动性前提。

    Firstly , rationality is the subjective initiative precondition of the credit behavior .

  14. 信用是市场主体在经济活动中的基本规则。信用是一种经济关系,也是一种伦理要求。

    Credit is the basic principle and economic relations , as well as an ethnic request of market economy .

  15. 使用作废的信用卡的主体不仅限于持卡人;

    Not only the owner of credit card but also others can be guilty of using invalidated credit card ?

  16. 以农村信用社为主体的农村合作金融在我国已有50多年的发展历史。

    The rural credit cooperatives as the mainstay of rural cooperative finance in China have 50 years of history .

  17. 提高整个社会的道德理性是基础,要求建立产权、信用、市场主体的权责利的伦理和道德。

    The third is elementary , which requires establishing ethics and moral of property rights , believes and the market 's subjects ' power , duty and profit .

  18. 从经济运行实践来看,现代市场经济是以信用为交易主体的信用经济,良好的信用关系市场经济的命脉和基础。

    From the economic practice , modern market economy is based on credit as the main trading manners of economy , good credit is important for market economy and foundation .

  19. 商业信用是商主体在市场经济中不可避免的经济行为。商业信用权的保护因而也应当纳入法律规制的视野。

    Since business credit is the unavoidable behavior of business main body in market economy , the protection of the right of business credit should be brought into legal governance .

  20. 对于信用证欺诈主体的界定,我国采用狭义说的观点,即欺诈必须是受益人本身的行为而非第三人的行为。

    For credit card fraud in the definition of subject , our country adopts the narrow views , namely fraud must be the beneficiary itself acts instead of third human behavior .

  21. 2000年以来,以农村信用社为主体的正规金融机构开始试行并推广小额贷款,中国小额贷款发展开始进入以正规金融机构为导向的发展阶段。

    Since 2000 , as the main formal financial institution , Rural Credit Cooperatives began to try and promote micro-credit . The development of micro-credit in China began the formal financial sector-oriented stage .

  22. 但目前以信用社为主体的农村金融机构对农村的信贷支持+分有限,资金短缺成为阻碍我国农村发展的主要因素。

    But , at present , the credit association as the main body rural finance organization which offers countryside credit aid is very limited , the primary factor that becomes hindering countryside development is short of the fund .

  23. 冒用信用卡的行为主体只能由非持卡人构成。

    Fraudulent using of credit cards can only used by non-cardholder .

  24. 政府是信用制度创新的主体。

    The government is the main body of the credit system .

  25. 随后重点分析了信用档案的产生主体和内容。

    This chapter analyses the production subject and content of the credit archives in details .

  26. 从政府、金融环境、信用环境和微观主体四个方面,提出了很多实用性的政策建议。

    From the aspects of government , financial environment , credit environment and microcosmic , this paper puts forward a lot of practical Suggestions .

  27. 第四部分,对新一轮农村信用社改革的主体内容进行了介绍,根据改革的主体框架,结合内蒙古的情况,提出内蒙古农村信用社改革的具体设计方案;

    In part 4 Introduce the framework of the new round of RCCs reform , conceive the new reform blueprint of Inner Mongolia RCCs .

  28. 最后,在信用存续期间信用主体应该对信用资产尽有保值增值的义务,使信用资产处于良好的经营状态。

    Finally , the credit subjects have the obligation of the keeping and increasing the value of credit assets e during the credit as capital , making the credit assets in good operating condition .

  29. 指出建筑市场信用机制是以信用主体行为规范为基础,以信用意识为先导,以信用法律为依据,以信用信息为平台的有机整体,包括激励、约束、信息、配置和风险等机制功能。

    Points out that CM credit mechanism is based on the normative activities of credit entity , guided by credit concept , in the retrain of credit law , performs on credit information platform with the function of prompting , restriction , information , scheme and risk .

  30. 市场主体信用,包括货币交易市场主体信用和信用交易市场主体信用。

    Market Players ' credit includes the credit of money exchanging and the credit of credit exchanging .