
  1. 搏斗中,俞秀莲慢慢占据了上风。

    Yu slowly gets the upper hand in her fight with the thief .

  2. 俞秀莲接住了短箭,蒙面人趁此机会逃走。

    She catches it , but the masked figure takes the opportunity to get away .

  3. 在续集中,杨紫琼继续扮演侠女俞秀莲,但该片不是李安执导的。

    In the sequel , Michelle Yeoh reprises her role as the warrior Yu Shu Lien but Mr. Lee does not return .

  4. 侠女俞秀莲(杨紫琼饰)来到朋友贝勒爷家中,这一次是参加他的葬礼,一个旧情人也来到她的身边。

    Once again the warrior Shu Lien ( Michelle Yeoh ) comes to the home of her friend Sir Te , this time for his funeral , and is joined there by an old flame .

  5. 影片勾勒出一场场打斗,直到最后的生死较量,却根本没能传递出李安贯穿在《卧虎藏龙》里的魅力和情感。“它没有被藏起来,”俞秀莲在贝勒府中发现青冥剑时说。

    As the film ticks off the fights on its way to the big showdown , there isn 't a moment that possesses the enchantment or emotion with which Mr. Lee infused " Crouching Tiger . " " It is not kept hidden , " Shu Lien says , spying the Green Destiny in Sir Te 's quarters .