
  • 网络ili river valley;Ili Valley;yili valley
  1. 天山西部伊犁河谷及天山北坡由西向东冬季降雪存在10a,7.5a和6a的显著波动周期,天山南坡及吐鄯托盆地冬季降雪周期不明显。

    The snowfall in the Yili Valley and on the north flank of the Tianshan Mountains has a variation period of 10 , 7.5 or 6 years . The period on the south flank is not obvious .

  2. 伊犁河谷春夏季极端天气气候的变化分析

    Extreme Weather and Climate Change over Yili Valley in Spring and Summer

  3. 基于RS-GIS伊犁河谷土地利用-土地覆盖变化研究

    Investigation of Land Use / Land Cover of Ili River Valley Based on RS / GIS

  4. 伊犁河谷生态旅游资源环境分析及评价

    Environmental Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Ecotourism Resources in Yili River Valley

  5. 伊犁河谷地区豆科植物资源的初步研究

    Investigation on Legume Plants Resources in the Ili River Valley

  6. 三种驱虫药物对伊犁河谷地区绵羊驱虫效果试验

    The Anthelminthic Effect of Three Antiscolics on Sheep in Ili River Valley

  7. 肝棘球蚴病流行病学特点是沿伊犁河谷流行、散布。

    The disease distributed in agri-pastoral areas along the valley .

  8. 1962-2007年伊犁河谷冻土分析

    Analyze on Frozen Soil in Yili Valley during 1962-2007

  9. 伊犁河谷农用土地资源开发利用的若干问题

    Research on exploitation and agricultural utilization of land resources in the Yili River Valley

  10. 伊犁河谷北岸农业生态系统健康评价

    The Ecosystem Health Evaluation of the Agriculture in the North Bank of Yili Valley

  11. 东疆诸盆地,伊犁河谷地各有20种,分别占已知种的24%;

    Dongjiang Basins and Ili River Valley each has 20 species , 24 % respectively .

  12. 在西部,是天山分裂形成的伊犁河谷。

    In the west , the Tian Shan split , forming the Ili River Valley .

  13. 伊犁河谷山川秀美,成就了工世雕刻的上乘材料&伊犁石。

    Beautiful mountains and rivers of Yili Valley creates the first-class material for sculpture Yili stone .

  14. 伊犁河谷几种药剂喷雾、灌根防治苹果绵蚜效果

    Control Effect of Different Insecticides with Spraying Crown and Watering Roots on Wolly Apple Aphid in Ili

  15. 伊犁河谷新传入的有害生物分布、危害程度及应对措施

    The degree of distribution and damage for the new pests and their relative methods adopted in Ili valley

  16. 黄山市野生豆科植物资源开发利用初探伊犁河谷地区豆科植物资源的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Exploitation of Huangshan Region Wild Leguminous Plant Resources ; Investigation on Legume Plants Resources in the Ili River Valley

  17. 第一部分通过阐述生态旅游的产生发展及生态旅游开发理论,为伊犁河谷生态旅游开发提供理论依据。

    The first part provides the theory basis for the Yili river valley eco-tourism development through the elaboration eco-tourism production development theory ;

  18. 第三部分结合伊犁河谷旅游资源分布特点、类型特色、自然地理环境、社会经济发展状况等因素,对伊犁河谷进行旅游分区,确定伊犁河谷生态旅游开发的主题及具体开发方案。

    The third part carries on the traveling district to the Yili river valley , determines the subject and the concrete development plan .

  19. 第四部分在分析伊犁河谷旅游客源市场现状基础上确定目标客源市场,并提出针对性营销措施。

    The fourth part sets a target the source of tourists market and proposes the pointed marketing measure in base of analyzing present situation .

  20. 通过在伊犁河谷山前倾斜平原荒漠草地开展的不同灌溉量草地恢复试验,对测试的试验地内草地植物物种多样性指数和灌溉水量之间的关系进行了初步的研究。

    Base on the grassland restoration experiment in Yili pith plain , this article studied the relationship between the plant community diversity and the irrigation volume .

  21. 由于超载、过牧等原因,造成草地毒草-白喉乌头的蔓延,严重地影响了伊犁河谷草地畜牧业的发展。

    Because of overgrazing and other factors , Aconitum leucostomum Worosch , which is rangeland poison plants spreading in Yili river valley , has seriously affected the development of animal husbandry .

  22. 伊犁河谷地理位置独特,特殊的气候及水文条件孕育了丰富的生态旅游资源,具备开展生态旅游的资源基础。

    The geographical position of the Yili River Valley was unique , the special climate and the hydrology condition bred the rich eco - tourism resources and the resources base to develop the eco - tourism vigorously .

  23. 发源于西天山的特克斯河、巩乃斯河、喀什河,在伊犁河谷平原汇聚成伊犁河,自东向西流出国境,注入哈萨克斯坦的巴尔喀什湖。

    Ili River , converging Tekes River , K ü nes River and Karsh River on the Ili River valley plain , flows from the east to the west out of frontier into the Balkash Lake in Kazakhstan .

  24. 第六部分旨在从加强生态旅游管理、建立有效社区参与机制、加强人力资源建设等方面构建伊犁河谷生态旅游开发的保障体系。

    The sixth part is for the purpose of constructing the safeguard system of the Yili river valley eco-tourism development from strengthening the eco-tourism management , the establishment effective community participates in the mechanism , strengthens the human resources development .