
  • 网络Armenian;the Armenians;Armenia
  1. 只有22%的美国八年级学生给出了正确回答B,落后于巴勒斯坦人、土耳其人和亚美尼亚人。

    Only 22 percent of American eighth-graders correctly answered B , below Palestinians , Turks and Armenians .

  2. 这个传闻本身就是亚美尼亚人有意虚构的谎报。

    The story itself was a canard deliberately invented by the Armenians .

  3. 纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫是阿塞拜疆境内亚美尼亚人聚居的一块飞地。

    Nagorno-Karabakh is an Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan .

  4. 其他地区的族群包括波斯人(Persians)、Lurs、亚美尼亚人(Armenians)(可能是古老美索不达米亚(Mesopotamian)文化的后裔)。

    Other distinct groups are Persians , Lurs , Armenians ( possible descendants of the ancient Mesopotamian culture ) .

  5. 事实上,本勃格的画作描绘的乃是1925年在耶路撒冷亚美尼亚人区一座12世纪教堂里艺术家亲身经历的场景:主教将香膏涂抹在耶路撒冷宗主教(PatriarchofJerusalem)的脚上。

    In fact , Bomberg'spainting captures an actual scene the artist witnessed first-hand in a12th-Century church in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem in 1925 : the Bishopanointing the feet of the Patriarch of Jerusalem .

  6. 这些妇女都是千千万万离散的亚美尼亚人其中之一,她们从世界各地云集于埃里温(Yerevan),以表达对那些在种族屠杀中死者的敬意。

    These women are among thousands of diaspora Armenians who travel from all corners of the globe to pay tribute to their dead at the genocide memorial in Yerevan .

  7. 很多快乐的亚美尼亚人在一个叫做Nagorno-Karabakh区边吃边喝,虽然这个区域有自己的政府,虽然只被亚美尼亚承认。

    A group of happy Armenian men sit down to a meal and drinks in the area known as Nagorno-Karabakh , although this region has its own government administration it is not recognised by any government other than Armenia .

  8. 而此地由亚美尼亚人控制了近四分之一世纪。

    an area controlled for almost a quarter century by ethnic Armenians .

  9. 亚美尼亚人去年在首都耶烈万下著西洋棋。

    Armenians play chess in the capital Yerevan last year .

  10. 我们的导游告诉我们,这主要是亚美尼亚人崇拜谁在这里。

    Our guide told us it was primarily the Armenians who worshipped here .

  11. 那里的武装阿塞拜疆人和亚美尼亚人相隔壕沟彼此注视。

    where armed Azeris and armed Armenians face each other across trench lines .

  12. 1915年土耳其人消灭了亚美尼亚人。

    The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915 .

  13. 我认为亚美尼亚人和美国人一样喜欢庆祝节日。

    In my opinion Armenians , just like Americans , love to celebrate the Holidays .

  14. 绝大多数亚美尼亚人说的印-欧语。美国人早就羡慕欧洲那些运河。

    The Indo-European language spoken predominantly in Armenia . Americans had long admired Europe 's canals .

  15. 一定是那些亚美尼亚人的。

    Must have belongedto the armenians .

  16. 亚历克斯科托夫·费利克斯&一个亚美尼亚人和我负责为本方的一门火炮提供掩护。

    Alex Kotov , Felix-the Armenian guy and me were supposed to cover one of our guns .

  17. 算我们欠你你们已经欠了我可以控制亚美尼亚人

    We would be in your debt . You already are . I can control the Armenians .

  18. 这可意义重大,想想他用了多长时间才接受了我不是亚美尼亚人的事实。

    Which is something , considering how long it took him to get over my not being Armenian .

  19. 例如,只有1.5%的亚美尼亚人和4.2%的乌克兰人完全接种了疫苗。

    For example , only 1.5 percent of people in Armenia and 4.2 percent in Ukraine are fully vaccinated .

  20. 第三类或亚美尼亚人外观上以身披饰有三叶草长袍、满脸胡须的头部雕塑为代表。

    A third or Armenian type is seemingly represented by the head of a bearded man wearing a trefoil-decorated robe .

  21. 据官方媒体获得的乘客名单,坠机遇难者似乎大多为亚美尼亚人和伊朗人。

    Based on a list of passengers provided to state media , the crash victims appeared to be mostly Armenians and Iranians .

  22. 我和维迪安太太像侦探似地开始行动,我们追踪任何一位住在巴黎的亚美尼亚人。

    We were like detectives , Mrs. Vidian and I. We put ourselves on the trail of any Armenians who lived in Paris .

  23. 兄弟会就会找到他们了还有亚美尼亚人也许你该找缉毒局帮帮忙

    before the Brotherhood catches up with them . Not to mention the Armenians . Perhaps you should enlist the help of the DEA .

  24. 亚美尼亚人已经到了小心有诈到学校了吗里瑟先生

    The Armenians are already here . Watch your back in case things get jumpy . Are you at the school , Mr. Reese ?

  25. 土耳其承认,有数十万亚美尼亚人死于非命,但又说这并非死于任何要彻底消灭他们的有组织行动。

    Turkey admits that several hundred thousand Armenians did die , but says this was not because of any centrally organised campaign to wipe them out .

  26. 在近古时期,主宰跨大陆贸易的是栗特人,而在更近代时期,亚美尼亚人依靠他们的语言技能扮演了重要角色。

    In late antiquity , it was the Sogdians who dominated transcontinental trade , while more recently , Armenians played a prominent role thanks to their linguistic skills .

  27. 历史上阿塞拜疆被多个不同的民族占领过,包括亚美尼亚人,波斯人,罗马人阿拉伯人,土耳其人,蒙古人,希腊帝国,英国和俄国人。

    Historically Azerbaijan has been occupied by a variety of peoples , including Armenians , Persians , Romans , Arabs , Turks , Mongols , Greek Empire , British and Russians .

  28. 安卡拉和埃里温之间没有外交关系,第一次世界大战期间奥托曼帝国土耳其人杀害的亚美尼亚人是否属于有组织的种族清洗的受害者,这个问题一直笼罩着双方的关系。

    Ankara and Yerevan have no diplomatic ties but a relationship haunted by the question of whether ethnic Armenians killed by Ottoman Turks during World War One were victims of systematic genocide .

  29. 顿涅茨克还居住着鞑靼人、亚美尼亚人、阿塞拜疆人、希腊人和犹太人。其中许多人表示自从苏联解体后,他们在身份认同和宗教方面享受到了更大的自由。

    Donetsk is also home to Tatars , Armenians , Azerbaijanis , Greeks and Jews , many of whom say they have enjoyed increased freedom of identity and religion since the fall of the Soviet Union .

  30. 十九世纪前期亚美尼亚人成为奥斯曼帝国参与国际贸易最主要的商人群体,他们在进行商业活动的同时成为沟通东西方世界的中介。

    In the earlier stage of nineteenth century , Armenians in the Ottoman Empire became the most important international merchants groups , their contribute not only are limited in commerce activities but also acted as a bridge which linked the East and West .