
  1. 桂中旱片的成因机制及旱片综合区划

    Formation mechanism of drought tracts in middle Guangxi and its drought comprehensive division

  2. 旱生、中旱生植物7种,旱中生、中生植物5种;

    Species were xerophyte or mesic xerophyte , 5 speices were mesophyte or xeric mesophyte .

  3. 桂中旱片的旱情时空分析及其脆弱性综合评价

    Temporal-spatial Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation for Its Drought Frailness of Drought Tracts in the Middle Guangxi

  4. 故中旱生植物和多浆旱生植物并不主要依靠积累脯氨酸来调节渗透势确保水分的供应。

    Thus succulent xerophytes and mesophytes did not mainly depend on accumulating free proline to adapt to arid environments .

  5. 水稻编织布育秧中旱育保姆剂量对水稻经济性状和农艺性状的影响

    Different " drought-foster nurse " dosages ' impact on rice economic-agricultural characters and economic effect in rice woven cloth seedling cultivation

  6. 然后利用牧草产量资料将天然草地干旱定为重旱、中旱、轻旱3个等级。

    The drought grade on the steppe according to the yield of grass could be divided into heavy , middling and light drought .

  7. 在能量流中旱平地为高投入、高产出、高利用效率的系统。

    In the respect of the energy flow , the dry-flat one is a high-input and high-output and high-ratio utilization ( system . )

  8. 西部地区生态环境保护建设中旱坡地水土流失的综合治理

    The comprehensive harnessing of the soil erosion of dry slope farmland in the process of ecological environment protection and construction in west China

  9. 旱生、中旱生植物以及与内蒙古共有植物种类多,充分体现了黄河的生物廊道作用;

    The xerophytes and meso-xerophytes are abundant , there are many mutual species with Inner Mongolia , which incarnated the biology corridor function of Yellow River ;

  10. 并根据干旱类型、旱灾脆弱度以及便于地下水利用进行桂中旱片的综合区划;

    And then , the comprehensive division of drought tracts in the middle Guangxi is carried through in the link of dry types , drought frail degree and convenience to groundwater utilization .

  11. 中旱生植物的变异性也较低,在群落层次上,地上生物量的年度间变异系数为13.16%~23.62%。

    The variability of intermediate xerophytes is low at ecological type functional groups . At community level , the yearly coefficient variation of aboveground biomass is in the range of 13.16 % ~ 23.62 % .

  12. 从不同的生活型和水分生态型来看,多年生根茎禾草和中旱生植物起主导作用,总密度的变化基本与它们的变化是一致的。

    From the viewpoint of a different type of life and moisture ecotypes , perennial rhizomatous grass and the mesophytes play a leading role . Their total density change is the same as their changes .

  13. 结果显示:随着生态因子发生变化和人类活动的加剧,该区公路沿线高寒草甸类草地群落结构表现出了较强的稳定性,中旱生耐旱的根茎型禾草比重有所增加;

    The result indicated that : with the change of ecological factors and intensification of human activities , strong stability of grassland community structure of the local alpine meadow type along the highway in this region was found , proportion of medium xerophilous 、 rhizomous grass increased ;

  14. 根据麦田春旱发生的频率和强度,将河南省划分为极旱麦区、重旱麦区、中旱麦区、半旱麦区和轻旱麦区5个类型。

    The spring soil drought of winter wheat field was divided into five types , is ' extreme drought ' , 'severe drought ' , ' middle-degree drought ' , ' less severe-degree drought ' and ' slight drought ' regions , according to the frequency and intensity .

  15. 桂中治旱工程建设思路及措施

    Thinking and measure for drought harnessing project construction of middle Guangxi

  16. 旱黄瓜新品种龙园绣春的选育为从中选育旱黄瓜新品种提供理论依据。

    The paper provided theoretical support for choosing and breeding new varieties of dryland cucumber .

  17. 生态类群组成中,旱生植物和中旱生植物功能群多样性也与群落初级生产力稳定性极显著地呈正相关。

    The life form functional group component of diversity was a greater determinant of the ecosystem processes than the species component of diversity .

  18. 实践证明,该技术的推广可有效地解决高寒冷凉地区农业发展中的旱、寒、薄三个主要限制因素,推动当地农业的发展。

    It is proved that the extension of this technique can effectively settle three main limitations of drought , low temperature and barrenness existed in the agricultural development of cold area , and it can push the local agricultural development forward .

  19. 川中紫色土旱坡地磷素的输出特征研究

    Study of Phosphorus Load from Purple Soil Cropland in Mid-Sichuan

  20. 在群落的植物生态类型功能群组成中,中旱生植物是群落地上生物量的主体。

    Intermediate xerophytes is the main component in plant life form functional groups .

  21. 黔中黄壤丘陵旱坡地不同耕作制与水土保持研究

    Effect of Different Cultivation Rotation System on Soil and Water Conservation in Yellow Sloping Upland Areas of Middle Guizhou

  22. 棉花茬和玉米茬油菜田杂草群落以中生性和旱生性阔叶杂草为主,并且比稻茬油菜田杂草发生量小很多。

    Weed magnitude was much less in transplanted rape fields after maize and cotton than that in transplanted rape fields after rice .

  23. 目字型种植是四川贫中丘陵区旱坡耕地较好的保土抗旱措施。

    It was better the measure of preserving soil and drought resistant in the dry farmland in the central hill of Sichuan basin .

  24. 结果表明:黔中黄壤丘陵旱坡地(坡度11~13°)不同耕作栽培技术对水土流失及作物产量影响极大。

    The results show that the techniques of farming and cultivation play an important effect on soil and water erosion and crop yield on yellow sloping field ( gradient 11 ~ 13 °) .

  25. 通过径流小区的观测试验,对川中丘陵区旱坡地3种典型的耕作制在4次降雨过程中的产流过程作了分析。

    The process of runoff in different three tillage system on four times Rainfall Condition were studied by means of the monitoring of runoff in experiment plot on slope dry land in the hilly area , Sichuan province .

  26. 独特的气候地理条件使本区形成了以中生、旱生的多年生草本为主,一二年生草本植物层片明显,灌木、半灌木相对发达的区系系统,且地带上存在一定的替代性。

    With the unique climatic and geographic conditions , the region formed the flora system that composing dominantly the perennial herbage of mesic and xerophytic , characterized by obvious layer of annual or biennial herbage and relatively developed shrub and semi-shrub .

  27. 结果项目实施后,调查对象中使用生态旱厕已经达到68.4%,厕所设有洗手设施、家庭设有专用洗澡间、使用安全自来水三项指标分别达到66.8%、51.4%、56.9%;

    Application of PLC to Computer Survey System of the Water Supply Results There were 68.4 % targets using the ecological toilet and 66.8 % owned lavabo , 51.4 % set washing-hand bathroom in family and 56.9 % attained safety water supply .

  28. 供试的6种树木中,云杉、旱垂柳、中东杨、白榆的SOD活性污染区高于对照区;

    Among six kind trees observed , SOD activity of Picea koraiensis , Salix matsudana , Populus berolinensis and Ulmus pumila in pollution areas is higher than comparison .

  29. 中生型与旱生型比较,其生物生产力和营养生产力皆为前者明显高于后者。

    The bio-productivity and nutritive productivity of mesophytism are higher than that of xeromorphy obviously .

  30. 川中紫色土区旱坡地非点源氮输出特征与污染负荷

    Load and Output Character on Non-Point Nitrogen from Purple Soil Farmlands in Hilly Area of Central Sichuan Basin