
  • 网络Modern China;modern times
  1. 中国近代文献分类体系探源

    On the Document Classification System of Ch in a Modern Times

  2. 论中国近代以来功利主义的致思

    On the Tendency of Utilitarianism since the Modern Times in China

  3. 在中国近代史上有着重要影响的廖仲恺、李大钊、陈独秀、彭湃等曾在这里负笈求学。

    People who had a major impact on china 's modern history like Liao zhongkai , li dazhao , chen Duxiu and Peng Pai studied in this institution .

  4. 中国近代白话文运动的历史透视

    Historical Perspective on the Vernacular Movement of Modern Times in China

  5. 二是中国近代革命先驱者的宣传思想。

    The other is the propaganda thoughs of Chinese revolution pioneers .

  6. 中国近代翻译小说及其文学意义

    On Modern Chinese Translation of Foreign Fiction and Its Literary Significance

  7. 再论冯契的中国近代哲学革命理论

    More Ideas on Feng Qi 's Revolutionary Theories of Modern Chinese Philosophy

  8. 略论梁启超对中国近代政治制度的探索

    Liang Qichao 's Explorations of Modern Legal and Political Systems

  9. 从《中国近代史》看蒋廷黻的史学思想

    View Jiang Ting-fu 's Historical Ideas From Chinese Modern History

  10. 制度壁垒导致中国近代技术引进的低效率。

    Institutional barriers led to low efficiency of technology introduction .

  11. 中国近代文化冲突中对先进文化代表的历史选择

    The histroy selection of modern Chinese culture against advanced of culture representative

  12. 论中国近代文学的本位性

    On one 's ownership of Chinese literature of modern times

  13. 谈中国近代大学校长的人格力量

    On the Personality Power of University Presidents in Modern China

  14. 近年来中国近代社会文化史研究述评

    Summary of Recent Studies in Social and Cultural History of Contemporary China

  15. 中国近代高等警察教育综论

    An Overview of the Police Higher Education in Modern China

  16. 中国近代民众教育思潮研究

    A Study on the Mass Education Thought in Modern China

  17. 论中国近代体育文化观的演变

    Evolution of sports cultural concept in China in modern times

  18. 第四,文化自觉是中国近代大学本土化发展的重要文化使命。

    Fourthly , cultural awareness was an important mission of university indigenization .

  19. 中国近代民族实业家经营管理思想的显著特点

    The Distinct Characteristics of Managing Ideas of National Industrialists in Modern China

  20. 中国近代两幕立宪活动的闹剧

    Two acts of farce in the constitutionality in modern China

  21. 中国近代高等教育的发展演变及反思

    Reflections on the evolution of higher education in china in modern times

  22. 梁启超对中国近代历史教育的贡献

    Liang Qi-chao 's Contributions to the Modern Chinese Historical Education

  23. 孙中山与中国近代文化观念的更新

    Sun Yat-sen and the Rejuvenation of the Cultural Concept in Modern China

  24. 中国近代文化史研究的回顾和思考(1979-1999)

    Some reflections on the research of China s modern cultural history ;

  25. 中国近代大学学科体系的形成&从四部之学到七科之学的转型

    On the formation of discipline system in Chinese universities of modern times

  26. 中国近代公司特许阶段公司治理研究

    The Corporate Governance in Chartered Period in Chinese Modern Times

  27. 论中国近代小说观念的演变

    Talk about the Development of China 's Modern Novel Idea

  28. 略论中国近代公园的政治功用

    Simple Discussion on the Political Function of Chinese Modern Park

  29. 康有为对中国近代思想文化的贡献

    Kang Youwei 's Contributions to Modern Chinese Ideology and Culture

  30. 中国近代社会思潮与服饰变革

    The ethos of modern times and the transform of raiment in China