
  • 网络Chugoku;Cugoku
  1. 秦岭最有灵性的中国山脉

    Qinling , the Most Miraculous Mountains in China

  2. 中国秦岭山脉是它们的家。

    They live in the Qinling Mountains of China .

  3. 中国的主要山脉和山峰

    Mountain ranges and peaks in China

  4. 从在内华达州一个像外星人样子结构的山脉到中国的彩虹山脉:你从来不知道令人难以置信的旅游目的地.

    Froman alien-like structure in Nevada to rainbowmountains in China : Unbelievable travel destinations you never knew existed .

  5. 在中国的众多山脉中,泰山是当之无愧的天下第一山。它独具魅力的景观和深厚的历史内涵吸引着一代又一代的中国人为之攀登,为之魂牵梦萦。

    Of all the mountains in China , Tai Shan is well deserved " the best in the world " . Its charming landscape and rich history of content attract generation of Chinese people climbing it , and dreaming about it .

  6. 中国西部的昆仑山脉的一座山峰,海拔为英尺。

    A mountain in the Kunlun range in China ( 25,340 feet high ) .

  7. 动物园官员说,濒危动物大熊猫只生活于中国中部的部分山脉中。

    Giant pandas are endangered and live only in a few mountain ranges in central China .

  8. 虽然此旅程涉及徒步行走,但因此山为中国最伟大的山脉之一,这是值得如此之行的。

    Although the journey involves a decent hike , it 's well worth the effort because it is truly one of the great mountain ranges in China .