
  • 网络china daily;china daily website
  1. 早自2004年,中国日报网便为中国军网等多家国家级媒体和机构提供中英翻译及语言校对服务。

    As early as2004 , the China Daily has a number of Chinese military and other national media and institutions in the English language translation and proofreading services .

  2. 百度发言人郭怡广(KaiserKuo)接受中国日报网采访时表示,不会对传言进行评论。

    However , Baidu 's spokesman Kaiser Kuo told China Daily on Monday that No comments on rumors .

  3. 中国日报网齐晔:联合国政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC)提出,到2020年,发达国家要在1990年基础上将温室气体排放量削减25%到40%,以避免气候进一步恶化。

    Moving into the next phase , Copenhagen . IPCC , the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , proposed 25 to 40 percent of cuts in greenhouse gas emissions for the developed countries in order to avoid a dangerous deterioration of the climate .

  4. 同时也期望本研究能为中国日报网在塑造国家形象方面提供新的视角。

    Also hope that this research provide a new perspective to China daily .

  5. 中国日报网翻译工作室是中国日报网2011年主推项目之一。

    Translation Studio is the China Daily China Daily one of the main push in2011 .

  6. 要不是那些男孩子怂恿他,他不会扔那块石头。(节选自中国日报网,点津)

    He wouldn 't have thrown that stone if the other boys hadn 't egged him on .

  7. 但他说,新的数码技术解决了以前导致头痛的很多问题。(中国日报网英语点津)

    But he said new digital technology addresses many of the problems that had previously caused sore heads .

  8. 在中国日报网报道中,很少的情态成分用于直接推断而新闻报道者很少直接表达主观情感。

    In news reports from China Daily . com , a handful of modality elements are applied to assessment so that reporters are liable to show the objective feelings straightly .

  9. 中国日报网齐晔:您昨天在和清华大学的学者和学生交流时也说了这句话,我非常同意您的看法。

    PROFESSOR QI : Right . You made this same statement yesterday -- which I very much agree on -- when speaking to the students and scholars at Tsinghua University .

  10. 中国日报网一项网络调查显示,在一年一度的两会召开之际,读者最关注的三大问题分别为:大气污染、腐败问题以及贫富差距。

    Air pollution , corruption and the wealth gap are the three issues of most concern to readers ahead of the annual parliamentary sessions of China , dubbed as " two sessions ", according to an online survey by the China Daily website .

  11. 中国日报网齐晔:这是不是意味着双方在战略经济对话合作框架下达成的有关环保、气候、能源领域的10年合作框架还会继续下去?

    PROFESSOR QI : Great . Does this mean the 10-year framework , the cooperative effort developed during the strategic economic dialogue is going to continue , and is going to work through all these areas related to environment , climate change , and energy conservation ?

  12. 中国日报网齐晔:谢谢,您在此次访问中强调了积极合作,您能否对中美如何推进在环保、能源以及气候领域的合作做一下详细的说明?

    PROFESSOR QI : Great , thank you . And during this trip you have emphasized this cooperative -- this positive cooperation . Would you mind to elaborate a little bit on that , you know , how that is going to work for this China-U.S. cooperation on environment , energy , and climate change ?