
  • 网络COAMC;China Orient Asset Management Corporation;China Orient Asset Management
  1. 成立于1999年的中国东方资产管理公司肩负降低金融风险,实现不良资产回收价值的最大化,支持国有大中型企业深化改革、摆脱困境的三大任务。

    China Orient Asset Management Corporation ( COAMC ) , which was founded in 1999 , has three main tasks including reducing financial risk , retrieving the bad loans at the maximum degree and helping nation-owned enterprise to overcome difficulties .

  2. 然而,中国东方资产管理公司研发中心在09年发布的不良资产市场调查报告中认为,商业银行不良贷款规模将增加。

    However , according to the survey on NPLs market in 2009 by the research centre of China Orient Asset Management Corporation , the scale of such loan is still on the rise . With the data released by China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) .

  3. 中国东方资产管理公司副总裁李欣说,我们的目的不是帮助开发商开发房地产,而是解决短期流动性吃紧问题。

    Our aim is not to help develop property , but to resolve the short-term liquidity squeeze , said Li Xin , a vice president at China Orient .

  4. 结合中国银行东方资产管理公司的东方会计核算系统的实例,设计了在服务器群环境中,基于ORACLE数据库的分布式存储及分布式处理方案,该方案充分发挥了分布式数据库的优点。

    With the example of the accounting system in the orient 's asset management company of china bank , a distributed storage and transaction based on Oracle Database was designed in the server cluster environment . This scheme exerts the merit of the distributed database fully .