
  • 网络education of chinese medicine
  1. 实施快乐中医教育的原则与方法

    Principle and method of carrying out happy education of Chinese medicine

  2. 高等中医教育发展面临的矛盾分析

    Analyzing Contradictions Facing by Development of Higher Education of Chinese Medicine

  3. 高等中医教育中PBL教学调查问卷的设计

    Inventory For Problem-Based Learning In Higher Education Of Chinese Medicine

  4. 中医教育在欧洲的现状及思考

    Present situation of Chinese medicine education in Europe together with considerations

  5. 中医教育改革需要关注的几个问题

    Some Questions Should Paid Attention in Reform of Chinese Medical Education

  6. 高等中医教育临床实践教学的质量控制与评价

    On clinical teaching quality control and appraisal of advanced Chinese medical education

  7. 创办八年制中医教育的必要性和可行性

    Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing 8-year Education Program of TCM

  8. 中医教育发展历史与特色

    History and Features of Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Education

  9. 首先阐述了中医教育的历史回顾。

    First , it reviews the history of traditional Chinese medicine education .

  10. 第四,分析现代中医教育的现状。

    Fourth , analysis modern Chinese medicine education present situation .

  11. 高等中医教育应当大力弘扬科学精神与人文精神

    Higher Education of Chinese Should Develop the spirit of Science and Humanity

  12. 加强理论研究促进高等中医教育发展

    Enhancing theoretical study and promoting development of higher TCM education

  13. 试论学分制的实行与中医教育改革

    The relationship between practice of credit system and reform of TCM education

  14. 试办七年制高等中医教育的战略意义

    The Strategic Significance of the Experiment on Seven-Year Higher Education of TCM

  15. 高等中医教育发展方向的几点思考

    Pondering on Developmental Directions of Higher Education of TCM

  16. 从经济学角度看高等中医教育

    Looking at Higher Education of TCM from Economics Angle

  17. 发展中医教育;

    Develop the education of traditional Chinese medicine .

  18. 60年来中医教育史这一新的研究领域已有一定成果。

    The summary showed that there are certain achievements in this field of research .

  19. 高等中医教育思想理念的改革

    Ideological reforms of higher education of Chinese medicine

  20. 近代福建的中医教育

    Modern TCM education in Fujian Prov in ce

  21. 中医教育长学制模式的思考

    Thinking About the Long-System Model of TCM Education

  22. 中医教育史研究综述(1949-1994)(待续)

    Review on the study of educational history of TCM ( to be continued )

  23. 中医教育经历了从几千年师承教育向高等中医药院校教育转变的过程。

    Education of Chinese medicine has experienced the process from master-apprentice to college education .

  24. 七年制高等中医教育(中医学方向)培养和管理模式的改革与实践;

    Talent nurturing and managing modes of the seven-year program of Chinese medicine are reformed ;

  25. 高等中医教育层次结构合理性研究(续)

    Study on the rationality of the level structure of higher TCM education ( continued )

  26. 试论中医教育的特点

    Discussion on the characteristics of TCM teaching

  27. 论新世纪高等中医教育人才培养观

    On the Viewpoint of Training Qualified Personnel in the New Century Higher Chinese Medical Education

  28. 不失其所在,其命维新&高等中医教育的现代定位及其改革

    On Real Reform & Modern Position and Reform of Higher Education of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  29. 七年制中医教育的改革研究与思考

    Study on and think over reformation of 7 - Year program for master 's degree of TCM

  30. 上海近代中医教育概述

    Modern TCM Education in Shanghai