
  • 网络plexiform
  1. B3组有少量外丛状层细胞轻度肿胀。

    Only the outer plexiform layer cells of group B3.were swollen .

  2. 7d时外丛状层形成。

    Outer plexiform layer became apparent on postnatal 7th day .

  3. 转化毛状根在无生长调节物质的MS培养基上培养可获得丛状芽,并发育成植株。

    Clustered shoots could grow from hairy roots in MS medium without growth regulators and then could form regenerated plants .

  4. 这提示大多数海马CS细胞具有其各自独特且相对恒定的丛状放电特征。

    This suggests that most hippocampal CS cells have relatively stable and distinct burst characteristics .

  5. 研究者们已经发现了一些与丛状蛋白D1基因有关的信息。

    The researchers found some association with Plexin D1 in their study .

  6. 那么,我们都应该抛弃我们的丛状蛋白D1基因吗?

    So should we all try to get rid of our Plexin D1 gene ?

  7. 所有人都拥有丛状蛋白D1基因。

    All humans have the Plexin D1 gene .

  8. 在慢性高眼压损害下大鼠视网膜内颗粒层和内丛状层小胶质细胞表达表面黏附分子CD11b,证明吞噬功能被激活。

    As ocular hypertension continuing , retinal microglia expressed adhesion molecule CD11b showing phagocytosis action .

  9. 7d时,VEGF明显表达在神经节细胞层、外丛状层和几乎全层内核层。

    On postnatal 7th day , VEGF expressed in ganglion cell layer , outer plexiform layer and almost all the inner nuclear layer .

  10. 没有丛状蛋白D1基因的斑马鱼比他们“苹果型身材”的同类拥有更少的内脏脂肪。

    The fish without the Plexin D1 gene had less visceral fat tissue than their " apple-shaped " counterparts with the gene .

  11. RCS鼠则分布于视网膜内丛状层的少量神经纤维、极少量GABA阳性免疫反应的无长突细胞和节细胞层的部分纤维。

    In the retina of RCS rats , GABA-like immunoreactivity was observed in the inner plexiform layer , few GABA-ergic amacrine cells and the ganglion cell layer .

  12. 丛状的肺动脉病的特点,使对其的系统研究只能借助于动物实验。椎动脉型颈椎病的MRA分型探讨

    The systemic study of the " plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy " has some limitation , but can be approached by animal experiments . The MRA types of cervical spondylotic arteriopathy

  13. 结果:NF1眼眶CT的主要表现为:上睑肥厚,眶周及颞、颧部丛状神经纤维瘤;

    Results : The main CT manifestations of neurofibromatosis in orbit were as follow : ( 1 ) superior eyelid thickening , plexiform neurofibromas surrounding orbital , temporal and zygomatic regions .

  14. L注射例在C5腹角的腹外侧可见到明显的丛状终支,而于C注射例在L5则未见到此特殊结构。

    In lumbar injection cases a prominent plexus of labeled terminal arborization could be seen in the ventrolateral part of the C_5 ventral horn . Corresponding plexus was not found in the lumbar cord in cervical injection cases .

  15. 现在,杜克大学的研究人员们发现了一种基因,称为丛状蛋白D1,它能决定体型,这比杂志更可靠。

    Now , researchers from Duke University have pinpointed a gene , called Plexin Dl , which determines the bod y type you 'll have with a great deal more certainty than any magazine quiz ever could .

  16. 结果如下:在顶盖IIgj亚层记录到66个神经元的自发放电,根据其放电特征,将它们分为3种形式:单个放电,丛状放电和连续放电。

    The results are as follows : The spontaneous discharge of 66 neurons recorded in sublayer ⅱ g_j were classified 3 types : single discharge , burst discharge and sustained discharge .

  17. 视网膜组织结构完整,RGC排列整齐,内丛状层染色较均匀,内核层和外核层细胞排列较整齐,视锥视杆排列整齐。

    Retinal tissue structural integrity , RGC neatly arranged , in the plexiform layer were more evenly ; core and outer layer of cells with a neat ; cone rod arranged neatly . 3 .

  18. 杜克大学的分子遗传学和微生物学副教授约翰·F·罗尔斯博士,和罗尔斯实验室的博士后伙伴詹姆斯·E·明钦,把斑马鱼的丛状蛋白D1基因剥离,并把它与正常的斑马鱼进行比较。

    John F. Rawls , PhD , and an associate professor of molecular genetics and microbiology at Duke , and James E. Minchin , PhD , a post-doctoral fellow in Rawls ' lab , engineered zebrafish without the Plexin D1 gene , and compared them with normal zebrafish who carried the gene .

  19. 正常及癫痫源性海马复合峰电位细胞丛状放电特征的研究

    A study of burst characteristics of normal and epileptogenic hippocampal complex spike cells

  20. 北美东南一种低矮的丛状多年生植物。

    Low perennial tufted plant of southeastern North America .

  21. 目的:探讨丛状神经纤维瘤的临床病理学特征。

    Objective : To explore the clinicopathological features of plexiform neurofiroma ( PNF ) .

  22. 丛状神经纤维瘤12例临床病理分析

    Plexiform neurofibroma : Clinicopathological analyses of 12 cases

  23. 头颈部丛状神经纤维瘤(附4例报告)

    Plexiform neurofibromas in the head and neck ( A report of 4 cases )

  24. 观察颈外动脉分支的形状大多为树枝状,566%为丛状。

    Most of the external carotid artery branches showing arborization , ( 5.66 % ) were tussocky .

  25. 丛状纤维瘤会变成癌症吗?会,但机会很小。

    Do plexiform neurofibromas ever become cancerous ? They can become cancerous , but this is rare .

  26. (植物学;指例如棉花种子等某些种子)有丛状物或者丛状毛发。

    ( botany ; of certain seeds as of cotton ) having a tuft or tufts of hair .

  27. 方法对4例头颈部丛状神经纤维瘤的临床资料结合相关文献进行分析。

    Methods We analysed 4 cases if plexiform neurofibromas in the head and neck by reviewing related literature .

  28. 电针对大鼠侧脑室注入红藻氨酸所致海马痫样丛状放电的影响

    Effects of electroacupuncture on hippocampal epileptic burst discharges induced by intracerebroventricular injection of kainic acid in the rat

  29. 结论右心房的条索分为纵向、横向和丛状三类。

    Conclusion The cords could be divided into three types which were longitudinal , horizontal and plexiform cords .

  30. 结论(1)丛状骨、骨单位带在种属鉴定中可作为人骨的排除指标;

    Conclusion ( 1 ) Plexiform bone and osteon band could be the exclusive index in human bone ;