
  • 网络Kamikatsu
  1. 日本上胜町的居民在回收利用废物时相当严谨,事实上,他们希望到2020年时,能把家乡建设成日本首个“零废物”小镇。

    The residents of Kamikatsu , Japan , take recycling so seriously that they actually hope to become the nation 's first zero-waste community by 2020 .

  2. 上胜町特别鼓励居民重复使用物品——当地设有kuru-kuru商店,人们可以以旧换新,而无需支付额外费用。

    Reuse is highly encouraged in Kamikatsu - they have a local kuru-kuru shop where residents can exchange used items with new things at no extra cost .

  3. 上胜町支持各类企业参与废物管理以增强企业的责任感——小镇里有一家“零废物”酿酒厂,它位于采用可再生材料建造的房屋内。

    Businesses are also encouraged to participate in responsible waste management - the town has a zero-waste brewery , housed in a building constructed of reused materials .

  4. 这个日本小镇让回收过程变得既精简又高效——上胜町针对各类纸制品(譬如报纸、杂志、纸箱及传单)设置了不同的回收箱。

    The Japanese town has turned recycling into a streamlined process - there are separate bins for different types of paper products - newspapers , magazines , cartons , and flyers .

  5. 2003年时,上胜町宣称要实现此目标,他们放弃了焚烧垃圾的旧做法。此后的13年里,他们始终严格践行废物管理规则。

    They 've been practicing prudent waste management for the past 13 years after declaring their zero-waste ambition in 2003 and giving up their old practice of dumping trash into open fires .

  6. 显然,适应回收规则需要时间,但上胜町的居民最终成功适应了这些巨变,并渐渐变得习以为常。

    It apparently took some time for the residents to get used to this rule , but they eventually managed to adapt to the drastic changes and are now seeing them as normal .

  7. 上胜町所有的回收厂都归零废物协会管理,该协会还定期组织当地小学生及外国游客参观学习,教导他们采取“零废物”生活方式的益处。

    All the recycling facilities in Kamikatsu are managed by a Zero Waste Academy which also regularly hosts groups of local schoolchildren and foreign visitors , educating them on the benefits of a zero waste lifestyle .

  8. 每年,协会都会接待2500多人到访,这些来自世界各地的人渴望能更多地了解“零废物”,同时也迫切想知道上胜町在短时间内成功践行废物管理规则的秘诀。

    Every years , the Academy receives around 2500 visitors from all around the world , all eager to learn more about zero-waste and how Kamikatsu has managed to implement its principles in such a short period of time .