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  • 网络风力涡轮发电机;风力发电机;粉虱传双生病毒;风力发电机组;风力涡轮式发电机
  1. Tracing wind direction fuzzy control system for WTG


  2. Controlling system is a key technologies of Wind Turbine Generator ( WTG ) .


  3. A PLC Control System for 55 / 11 KW WTG


  4. A Study on the Key Competitiveness Improvement of Xi'an WTG Pawnshop


  5. Responsible for WTG site installation , commissioning and regular maintenance ;


  6. General Situation , Hot Spots of Foreign Large-scale WTG and the Supply Chain of Wind Farm


  7. Wind Turbine Generators ( WTG ), small Isolated Power Systems ( SIPS ), Fictitious Demand , Reliability .


  8. The analysis and control of the process of cutting-in grid for 55 / 11kw WTG


  9. The data and measurement provide science gist and practical experience forthe measurement of the small size WTG in the nature wind condition for the future .


  10. This paper presents the technique for comprehensive evaluation the reliability of composite generation , transmission and distribution system ( CGTD ) which contains wind turbine generation ( WTG ) .


  11. To assess the environmental benefits of a wind turbine generator ( WTG ) during its life cycle , cleanliness , a new concept in the energy utilization technology , is presented .


  12. On the basis of composing and function of controlling system , this paper mainly introduce key technology about stall WTG . Except that , it provides the analysis of dependability design of controlling system .


  13. He process of cutting-in grid for 55 / 11kW wind turbine generator ( WTG ) under different wind speeds are analysed and corresponding control strategy is suggested as well .


  14. This paper discusses the model of wind vane in WTG , and a wind direction sensor is designed according to the case whether there is turbulence when the rotor of WTG rotates .


  15. Since new power grid operation standards required that WTG should maintain certain time parallel operation during system fault , the short circuit current supplied by it would affect normal operation of protective relaying equipments and safety of electrical devices .


  16. In view of the deficiency in anti-theft measures for WTGs and the operational characteristics of wind farms , this paper contrives a scheme for WTG theftproof system to improve the security of WTGs .


  17. Wind power resources are very rich in almost each country and region . Therefore many countries especially developed ones have made significant breakthroughs in the field of wind power generation . Single-machine capacity of WTG has been developed from tens of kilowatts to megawatts .
