- n.腕套;腕箍

Design and application of coat wristband for patients undergoing hemodialysis
Experimental test main introduced wristband information acquisition terminal test platforms and tested information acquisition terminal function .
The wristband was first launched in 2014 by a US-based company called Pavlok .
Now British firm Intelligent Environments has launched software that can link the wristband to people 's bank accounts .
That includes blood pressure , heart rate , ECG , and core body temperature , which is particularly tough to get from a wristband .
Charity Wristband Trend in the UK
You have to have a big orange cup for them to refill in order for the wristband to be any use .
Westbrook has kept his memory alive ever since , also wearing a personalized " RIP KB3 " wristband throughout his career .
Why fill out forms and carry a party card when you can sign a petition online , tweet and sport a wristband to show you care ?
And as wearables increase in popularity , waving a hand to hail a cab will easily be detected by an electronic ring or wristband .
But the process felt too complicated for its own good & a wristband for sleeping , another for the daytime . An app for eating , and then another running .
But the process felt too complicated for its own good -- a wristband for sleeping , another for the daytime . An app for eating , and then another running .
Before , if you wanted to see how much you were walking or sleeping , you had to plug the wristband into the headphone jack on your smartphone .
A wristband that delivers a 255 volt electric shock can now be linked to bank accounts , to send a shock when the user 's bank account reaches below a certain threshold .
Japanese electronics giant Murata is working on a wearable wristband that will provide an alternative to carrying a smartphone and show how many BW $ the wearer has earned .
Lady Gaga is offering a red-and-white wristband , with the words " We pray for Japan " and an image of the singer 's monster paw gesture .
Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer patients , and designed a yellow Livestrong wristband , the yellow for the Tour de France and'live strong ' , his motto .
Results : 91 % of pregnant women choose hospital wristband as identification mark , 100 % of the obstetric nurses , midwives and nurses in operating room select wristband as a symbol knowledge .
Others include Google Glass , intelligent eyewear coming from the search company , and the Basis wristband , with sensors that can measure perspiration , skin temperature and heart-rate patterns , as well as motion .
The event was organized by the United Nations'children 's agency UNICEF which gave each participant a wristband with his or her number in the line and T-shirt certifying participation in the event .
Two years ago , a family member needed an inexpensive watch with a blue plastic wristband for a special occasion , " something that looks nice on a little girl ," she said , adding " a local , not-famous brand " .
When jawbone , the San Francisco-based purveyor of wireless devices , originally launched its head-turning , movement-sensing wristband in 2011 , the company found itself in the middle of a firestorm .
A couple of teenagers at England 's Manchester Creative Studio have developed a wristband that tracks your pulse - so it can turn on your TiVo box when you nod off , ensuring that you don 't miss the rest of your show .
The sportswear company - which has fought to shake off the image of producing cheap sports shoes that are little more than western knock-offs - said yesterday that it had signed a strategic partnership with Huami Technology , which produces Xiaomi 's " Mi " smart wristband .
Two other products that have gained followings are the WakeMate ( $ 59.99 ) , a wristband worn at night that wirelessly transmits data to the user 's smartphone , and the Zeo Sleep Manager-Mobile ( $ 99 ) , which uses a sensor-equipped headband to collect data about the user 's sleep habits .