
美 [ˈwɜriərz]英 [ˈwʌrɪəz]
  • n.爱担忧的人;常发愁的人
  • worrier的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 多虑的人;经常发愁的人
    If you describe someone as a worrier, you mean that they spend a lot of time thinking about problems that they have or unpleasant things that might happen.

  1. If the worriers are right and non-performing loans surge , China can nonetheless easily avoid a banking collapse .


  2. They are faithful , but are often worriers with somewhat inflexible beliefs .


  3. The scientists had94 above-average worriers take a variety of anxiety questionnaires and two tests for levels of depression .


  4. More damagingly , say the worriers , short-termism leads to cuts in long-term investment .


  5. His first time on the court for the Worriers earned him seven points , three rebounds and two assists in just 11 minutes .


  6. Moser found that the brains of the positive thinkers were less active than those of the negative thinkers / worriers .


  7. The worriers have not spent these resources idly . Rather , they have produced the first widespread legislative and diplomatic efforts directed at containing scientific advance .


  8. But , until now , BP has poured scorn on the worriers , encouraging the oil industry 's effort to reassure society about peak oil .


  9. But even if you are a worrier , you 're not doomed & there are a number of effective strategies that worriers can use to stop the cycle .


  10. It 's important to move from problem-generation , which is what worriers are prone to do , to problem-solving .


  11. For the study , Moser and his colleagues had 71 female study participants answer surveys that indicated whether they were generally positive thinkers or negative thinkers / worriers .


  12. In fact , the worriers actually showed a paradoxical backfiring effect in their brains when asked to decrease their negative emotions , he explained in a statement .


  13. They are dreamers ; sometimes , they are pessimistic , hesitant and over-anxious worriers .


  14. Worriers allege that the diffusion of English must lead to its break-up : it will develop in many directions , its various new forms in the end becoming mutually unintelligible .


  15. Perhaps one of the biggest differences between worriers and non-worriers is the ability to stay in the present , and not get bogged down by things that have yet to happen .


  16. Worse for the worriers , Mr Fukuda , a consensus-style politician , assumes office at a time of apparent backlash against " Koizumi reforms " .


 The most severe chronic worriers [ are ] less accepting of their emotions , which means they 're intolerant of uncertainty and also find negative emotions in particular to not be very acceptable , Moser explains .


  18. And who are these worriers ?


  19. But what is also true is that stream of debt doom worriers ( which I have to say at times hasincluded me ) has made the Fed and its buying seem more important to the bond market than it may actually be .


  20. Sleeping like a log : More than half of us in the UK sleep curled up in the foetal position , suggesting we are a nation of worriers , while the second most common position is the log , right , which indicates a rigid personality
