- n.温莎

Experimental study of three-phase relative permeability of winsor - ⅲ type micellar fluids
Synthesis of styrene in multi phase microemulsion Winsor - I
Study on the Technology and Mechanism of Polyacrylate Microemulsion by " Winsor I-like " Process
Preparation of Winsor ⅲ Middle Phase Paraffin Microemulsions
Mr Winsor predicted that many officers would welcome the proposals , saying they would see it as a necessary protection for themselves and the public .
【 Material 】: Professional canvas , WINSOR & NEWTON oil colors . The artist dabbed paint on the canvas .
Tom Winsor , who has carried out the widest-ranging review of police pay and conditions in more than 30 years , said those who fail the test three times should be subject to disciplinary procedures and a pay cut .
It was observed from the Winsor phase diagram that the phase types , the phase volumes and the concentrations of alcohol at the start point and end point of the Winsor microemulsion formation change with the increase of the concentration of alcohol .
Mr Winsor said : I think the public will be surprised that after passing a fitness test at the point of entry , except in special units like firearms , physical fitness is not tested again in a 30 , 35-year career .