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  1. Jerry Webman is chief economist for OppenheimerFunds , an investment company .


  2. Jerry Webman says the United States is going through an important debate on what services Americans can expect from their government .


  3. " The economy is slogging along ," said Jerry Webman , chief economist at OppenheimerFunds .


  4. JERRY WEBMAN : " I think we may be looking at one of those almost generational changes in the role of the federal government in US society . "


  5. JERRY WEBMAN : " Usually it is the bond market that says ,' Wait a minute we 're not going to accept any more debt until we feel more confident in your credit . ' "


  6. JERRY WEBMAN : " Usually it is the bond market that says , ' Wait a minute we 're not going to accept any more debt until we feel more confident in your credit . ' "


  7. JERRY WEBMAN : " The Constitution that was written by people who were very , very suspicious of executive authority and built into the Constitution lots of ways in which the three branches of government could check and balance each other . "


  8. JERRY WEBMAN : " The central issue is how the US is going to bring its federal budget back down to a sustainable deficit level . We 're growing our deficit at a rate that I think everybody admits needs to slow . So the controversy is how do you do that . "
