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  1. US Stock Market : Whick Stock Made the Biggest Profit


  2. Editing work means a process in whick the editorial subject acts on the object .


  3. Pure metals are chemical elements whick cannot be broken down into other substances .


  4. Because that 's the way whick karma works .


  5. A better procedure for residue estimation is proposed , whick takes residual terms into account in the time domain modal identification .


  6. They could be sure of a few more days of fine weather in whick to bring in the harvest .


  7. This paper introduces a circuit model for analysing delta I noise in package , from whick the output voltage equations are derived .


  8. The article describes a water pool failure by cracking and its cause , summarizes also the lesson whick the engineering design and construction should draw .


  9. The speechwriters will knock out a first draft whick the president will then amend .


  10. Whick event are you registering for ?


  11. In compounding foundation of cement powdered jet pile , the uniform degree of cement is very important norm whick influences the quality of cement clay .


  12. Config files specific to users , your Desktop folder ( whick makes your desktop what it is ), and any data related to your user .


  13. Like a living organism , a language has an unbroken history whick goes back so far in time that scholars are not able to find its ultimate origin .


  14. The basic and general design method of the framework programme , whick is strong universal , and its application in the Data Base Management System ( DBMS ) are introduced in this paper .


  15. Method : Use the frame vertebral reductive device and spring shape fixator whick was made disgns of oneself , after laboratory evaluating in lumbar spine specimens .


  16. Its top is not thickened with no top unit , but with a longitudinal fissure from whick the matured ascospores were sent out .


  17. The fluid takes an important role in the hydromechanical deep drawing ( HDD ), but the research whick the fluid action is effectively integrated with the sheet metal forming is deficient .


  18. Offering the different service to individual client according to their different interestings is the trend of development of modern network , whick will be significative to the management of capus network .


  19. The real exchange rate is one of the main index , whick indicates competitiveness of one country 's engagement in international economic activities . It appears with the development of the purchasing-power parity theory .


  20. We should take measures such as purchasing drugs uniformly , developing essential drugs list and standard prescriptions , training and supervising , whick are useful and feasible for management of prescription normalization .


  21. Kailuan Group Ltd. Achieved the footage above 1200m / a in large rock-gateway shingle-entry developing in 2005 , whick put down a base for steady development of mine .


  22. The soluble rough antigens of proscolex at least consisted of 25 polypeptides which molecular weights ranged from 230 to 17 KD , of whick were 13 main ones .


  23. This paper introduces the key points whick should be psid attention to in making I / O card to extend Rom and gives a practical program whick can tum a user 's program into a compiled file automatically .


  24. The electrochemical biosensor , is a cross discipline subject , recently developed by science and technology , whick can be traced to the division and cooperation of cross disciplinary and multi disciplinary fields promoting the sustainable development of the disciplines concerned .


  25. Because the composition of the basic components of belt conveyor has dozens of species , includes a number of types , in addition to different terrain , working conditions , layout of forms , whick make the design of belt conveyor very arduous .


  26. A multiple coherence function and partial coherence function analysis method is presented by whick the correlation between the input and output is established correctly and the effect could be given quantitatively of one or some of the input on the output in analysis a multi-input system .


  27. As the Internet time coming with the rapid development of e-business , intense competition of globe market and multiplicate request of customers , the traditional enterprise whick is base on product competition pattern has been replaced by the management idea based on customer relation gradually .


  28. Methods MRI findings of 14 patients with pathologically proved primary tumors of trigeminal nerve ganglion and Meckel 's cave , in whick included 4 trigeminal schwannomas , 5 meningiomas , 1 lipoma and 4 epidermoid cysts were analyzed .


  29. Computer-based Patient Records System ( CPRS ) can realize to collect , store , transfer , display , process for using of the patients ' records and the essential is to computerize the information of the whole hospital management , whick makes the patient the center .


  30. The test chicks were exposed to Eimeria maxima after the chicks had been given betain and Maduramicin ahead a day , from whick the blood specimens were sampled 5,8,11 and 14 days after challenge for measuring the physiological and biochemical parameters .
