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  • 网络和歌山;歌山县;和歌山市
  1. The next morning I took a coastline train from Wakayama City to Minabe to meet and observe one of the region 's finest Kishu Binchotan makers , Mitsuo Okazaki , at his workshop .


  2. This technology was applied in Wakayama / Section Mill and Kashima / Large Section Mill .


  3. Wound first-class enterprise , provide perfection service to consumer is strive destination of our wakayama group all .


  4. Wakayama principal is technology , have a high quality staff group , produce first-class quality product by enormous potentiality and powerful technology .


  5. The white charcoal makers of Wakayama are more than traditional artisans .


  6. Born in1926 in Wakayama Prefecture in Japan , Hainan City , the father is Chinese , his mother is Japanese .


  7. Wakayama Prefecture , a sparsely populated region in Japan 's Kansai region , is renowned for its plums and mandarin oranges .


  8. In winter , he said , the warmth of the kiln makes work rather pleasant , but during the humid Wakayama summers , the intensity of the heat becomes almost unbearable .


  9. Experts said that it was remarkable that the animal had actually lived so long before ending up at the Taiji Whale Museum , in Higashimuro District , in southern Japan 's Wakayama Prefecture .


  10. A mandrel mill hydraulic screwdown control was successfully established at Wakayama Steel Works of Sumitomo Metal Industries , Ltd , in 1985 . The control is used to preform tube ends into a thinwalled taper during rolling .
