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  • 网络小波包分解;废塑料油
  1. Secondly , the classification abilities of the features ( WP coefficients ) in the optimal WPD are also evaluated and ranked by the fuzzy criterion .


  2. Texture analysis based on WPD and HMM


  3. The purpose of this paper is to study the applicability of thermal processed fuel oil ( hereafter called waste plastic disposal or WPD ) to diesel engines using low quality fuel oil .


  4. This algorithm utilizes wavelet packet decomposition ( WPD ) and common spatial subspace decomposition ( CSSD ) respectively to extract corresponding feature , then combining those features to classify .


  5. Conclusion : WPD capsule can rectify the decrease trend of PMS liver-qi invasion rat nerve serotonin 1A receptor level . Maybe it is just the central mechanism of the new drug curing this syndrome .


  6. Computer simulation results indicate that the unvoiced sounds of the enhancement speech with the proposed method are more obtained , whose quality and intelligibility both outperform those of the enhancement speech with DWT and the enhancement speech with WPD .
