
  • 网络未充分利用;使用不足;利用不足
  1. The underuse of certain colligations is to a large distance due to the relative unfamiliarity of this use .


  2. The underuse and misuse of relative clauses in Chinese learners ' English writing can be accounted for by differences in the relative construction of the two languages .


  3. The problem includes underuse , especially when economic hardship encourages patients to stop treatment as soon as they feel better .


  4. It is the overuse , underuse and misuse of cohesion devices that directly influence the quality of abstract writings .


  5. Chinese writers underuse and overuse some stance adverbs and they are reliant on several stance adverbs .


  6. However , a number of studies have shown that Chinese EFL learners tend to overuse or underuse and even misuse some contrastive connectives .


  7. Furthermore , the author conducts the research on causes that lead to the overuse , underuse and misuse of causal DMs in LC .


  8. Besides , Chinese EFL learners cannot use actually as flexibly as native speakers in terms of its positions and they tend to underuse it in the final position .


  9. Chinese English major students significantly underuse attributive clauses and significantly overuse adverbial clauses , especially condition adverbial clauses . English native speakers use more time adverbial clauses .


  10. Compared with native speakers , Chinese learners use fewer demonstratives in number but show imbalance in distribution , embodied by underuse of proximal demonstratives and overuse of distal demonstratives ;


  11. In comparison with the native speakers , the Chinese non-English majors at college level underuse the nominal demonstratives and the locative demonstratives , but overuse the temporal demonstratives .


  12. The results indicate that there is significant difference between them , with Chinese learners ' overuse , underuse , or misuse of dare as a model verb as well as a main verb in certain colligations and structures .


  13. The major problems lie in Chinese learners ' misuse , overuse or underuse of effect in the colligations of ADJ + N and V + N , and in the case it is used as a verb .


  14. The results indicate that the Chinese learners showed a strong tendency of overuse of these verb collocations , fewer collocation types , underuse of the typical collocations and overuse of a kind typically found in speech rather than in writing .


  15. This research , analyzes deeply into the use of the modal verbs in argumentative essays of Chinese and foreign and the reasons of overuse , underuse and misuse , provides more meaningful reference and guidance for the second foreign language teaching and writing .


  16. Second , compared with native speakers , Chinese EFL learners tend to overuse the DM actually as a contemplation marker and turn-taking marker and underuse it as a correcting marker ( especially self-correcting marker ) and propositional modifier .


  17. There are misuse , underuse of advance in the colligations of ADJ + N and N + PREP + N , and in the case it is used as a verb . The corpus approach has a great significance to the research of Second Language Acquisition .
