
美 [ʌnˈbaɪndɪŋ]英 [ʌnˈbaɪndɪŋ]
  • v.解开;松开
  • adj.[法]无约束力的
  • unbind的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 解开;松开
    If you unbind something or someone, you take off a piece of cloth, string, or rope that has been tied round them.

    She unbound her hair and let it flow loose in the wind...


  1. Unbinding Cylinder Gasket Made by Flexible Graphite Study on welding of automobile cylinder made of cast iron


  2. Three different pulling models are designed to investigate the possible binding / unbinding pathways : radial and tangent models , and also a mixed model .


  3. In Chapter IV , SMD simulations are performed to learn about the unbinding process of the full agonist nicotine .


  4. The main problems include the unbinding of the coordination system and area planning agreements , redundancy construction of infrastructure , and the unnecessary competition inside the area .


  5. Changes in Women 's Dress in the Late Qing : Women 's Body and the State and the Fashion & Starting from " Unbinding the Feet "


  6. But in China , only the Industrial Bank undertakes to fulfill the Equator Principles , as for many other domestic banks , the principle is unbinding .


  7. When an application uses the LDAP server for authentication , it generally uses the binding to communicate with the server , and unbinding from the server to close the connection .


  8. Establishment of Jaundice Model in the Canine and the Effect of Unbinding the Bilirubin and Albumin Compound before Absorption on Removal of Bilirubin by CA / PEI Membrane


  9. The analysis of gate-related receptor showed that AN-132 binds to the inactivation gate-related receptor , and the binding and unbinding are modulated-by inactivation process .


  10. In face of the new century , we should take steps forward in further unbinding the mind and deepening the reform to periodical managing quality and efficiency and amplify the global influence of our country 's periodical enterprise .
