- adj.不熟悉;无经验

I am at an unfavourable position in being conversationally unacquainted with English .
Even as if you would call a physician , that is thought good for the cure of the disease you complain of , but is unacquainted with your body ;
Professor Baker is unacquainted with the idea of representative democracy
I was then totally unacquainted with his poems .
His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with many classic books .
" Modern fiber art and modern architectural space " is a familiar and unacquainted issue .
Is unacquainted with dog & chicken , is the agricultural society continuously happy ideal .
I 'm afraid I 'm unacquainted with his work .
Internet appears as a totally unacquainted economic form , and has a strong impact on traditional means of corporate value analysis .
People who are unacquainted with feminist ideas .
American tourists wholly innocent of French ; a person unacquainted with our customs .
Besides the unequal number of men and women , we are also unacquainted about their age range and pain level .
She was too young , too impatient to live , too unacquainted with pain .
He liked to open to a mind unacquainted with the world glimpses of its scenes and ways .
For the majority of the architects , the beam is unacquainted , or its conception is obscure .
It explores the aesthetic meaning from four aspects : the unacquainted aesthetic approach , the multi-level aesthetic significance , and the abnormal aesthetic spirit .
Meanwhile , driving in the unacquainted area may easily lose direction , especially at night when the road signs and nearby scenery are dim .
The People 's Court shall provide interpretation for a litigant participant unacquainted with the spoken or written language commonly used in the locality .
( Brit ; informal ) townsman unacquainted with country life especially a slick and flashy male city dweller .
" Corporate governance " has a history of about ten years in the countries that enjoy a well - developed market economy while it has been kept unacquainted in China yet .
Conservation would be a novel concept to anyone unacquainted with what is supposed to be preserved , such as wildness , wildlife , natural beauty .
Alexandra Burt , male college students who had a gene associated with rulebreaking behavior were rated most popular by a group of previously unacquainted peers .
We 're one group of people from unacquainted stage to acquainted stage , we 're going to a place far away for giving a little help , just because of a small sincerely heart .
At the same time , statistic shows that more than half of passengers are unacquainted completely with the fire protection establishments in metro , which are mainly affected by their personal information .
For his own part , he is unacquainted with the new Paris , and he writes with the old Paris before his eyes in an illusion which is precious to him .
A new art market season has begun , and with it another sequence of multimillion-dollar auctions that will amaze and mystify those unacquainted with the inner workings of the art world .
Just a few years , the community consider it from unacquainted to widely used , this service mode developed from the initial individual and single service developed into a large-scale and service a wide variety of the commonwealth of service .
If a Chinese is invited to a meal , he will try to find an opportunity to give a return banquet to the inviter , otherwise , he would be regarded as unacquainted with the ways of the world .
In this dissertation , the notion and the characteristics of dielectric relaxation spectroscopy with which most people in China are not unacquainted were introduced , the development of Maxwell-Wagner theory was simply reviewed , and whose applications to all kinds of systems were summarized .