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  • 网络均匀线阵;乌拉;联合发射联盟;均匀直线天线阵;超低粘度适配器
  1. The extensive simulation results are based on ULA mode prove the efficacy of the algorithm .


  2. In this paper , the DOA of sources are estimated using MUSIC algorithm by a vector-hydrophone ULA ( Uniform Linear Array ) to improve the DOA estimation resolution .


  3. The research work is based on the ULA ( uniform linear array ) antenna .


  4. Improved Wide-Band Steered Minimum Variance Spatial Spectrum Estimate Algorithm Based on ULA


  5. The design of near field constant beamwidth ULA bases on interpolation virtual array unit


  6. All right . There 's your medicine , little fellow . Ula !


  7. Computer simulation results show that for small spacing the UCA yields higher channel capacity than ULA .


  8. Fourth , presenting the primary principle of line array and simulating the target echo received by ULA .


  9. ULA 's multinational sourcing system was being formed as the domestic purchaser team was gradually mature .


  10. As the raising of China Sourcing Center 's prestige , more purchasers accept ULA 's Service .


  11. Frequently many algorithms of ULA can not be introduced into the plane array and they must be transformed or even cannot be used .


  12. After the acquisition of AACTIVE , ULA service capability was enhanced , and the function was improved too .


  13. You 'll be stuck here , waking up next to the same old , ugly broad , just like Ula .


  14. Compared with ULA , UCA has many advantages , but also some disadvantages for DOA estimation because of its complicated array manifold .


  15. Based on uniform linear array ( ULA ) model , space-time channel and space-time signal are studied ; a kind of model of space-time vector channel is given .


  16. Using the direction cosines relative to three ULA axes , the correct pair is obtained , then the azimuth and elevation are estimated .


  17. After analysis of joint frequency-DOA estimation techniques by uniform linear array ( ULA ), Joint frequency-DOA estimation by arbitrary array structure is researched deeply .


  18. We adopt equivalent with uniformity linear array ( ULA ) in cylinder beam forming , and compare pattern of directional elements with of omni-directional elements .


  19. Generally speaking , the antenna model and array model is used with omnidirectional antenna model and uniform linear array ( ULA ) in the link simulation of wireless communication system .


  20. Firstly , the mode excitation method is used to transform the manifold matrix of UCA into one with a form similar to that of a uniform linear array ( ULA ) .


  21. First , presents a spatial channel propagation model . Consider a uniform linear antenna ( ULA ) at the base station ( BS ) and narrowband signals transmitted at the mobile .


  22. For most methods that have been raised , the array errors in the uniform linear array ( ULA ) are most difficult to estimate and the number of the signals is restricted hard .


  23. Under the frame of forward / backward spatial smoothing , several algorithms for the coherent signal sources are united in the uniform linear array ( ULA ), and then extended and used in UCA .


  24. Take Uniform Linear Arrays ( ULA ) for example , the characteristics of AF and the resolution of LFM signal using multiple carrier frequency are analyzed in the case of monostatic and bistatic radar .


  25. At present , the research about super-resolution estimation algorithms on array signal processing mainly based on uniform line array ( ULA ) using the ideal signal and noise model thougth the plane array is used widely in reality .


  26. In this paper , DOA is estimated with non-uniform linear antenna array ( NULA ) instead of ULA , so as to achieve a much larger aperture with the same amount of antenna elements .


  27. In this paper , the DOA of sources are estimated using MUSIC ( Multiple Signal Characterization ) algorithm by a vector-hydrophone ULA ( Uniform Linear Array ), and MUSIC algorithm based on acoustic vector sensor array has been analyzed .


  28. The performance of beamspace high-resolution direction-of-arrival ( DOA ) estimation is analyzed . A dense beamspace MUSIC ( DBMUSIC ) algorithm for the uniform linear array ( ULA ) is proposed .


  29. Earlier this year SpaceX sued the United States Air Force over an $ 11 billion contract awarded to Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture United Launch Alliance ( ULA ) for a block of military satellite launches .


  30. It is utilized the redundant structure of the ULA and subspace-based ESPRIT-like algorithm is introduced to obtain , a closed form solution for the spatial signature of signals , and the gains and phases of sensors is presented .
