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  • 网络梦想;梦幻;大西洋;药品注册审评助手;研究所
  1. Christine Drea : Youre actually mucking about with very important social signals .


  2. Though the study would need to be conducted in humans to draw direct conclusions , there are potential parallels to people , Dr. Drea says .


  3. Drea suggested that when an animals scent is off , confusion in mate selection can result . She added that its some possibility to apply her research to humans .


  4. You may have to do a double take when looking at actresses Portia de Rossi and Drea de Matteo , who are , surprisingly , not related .


  5. The females given the contraceptive became overall less appealing to the males than before getting the injection , says Christine Drea , a professor in Duke 's evolutionary anthropology department and senior author on the study .


  6. Dr. Christine Drea is an animal behaviorist at Duke University . Shes talking about her study the first of its kind that analyzed the impact of a form of birth control on the chemicals that make up an animals unique scent .
