
美 [ˈtɪpɪfaɪd]英 [ˈtɪpɪfaɪd]
  • v.是…的典范;作为…的典型;成为…的特征
  • typify的过去分词和过去式
  1. a reaction against the achievements of science , as typified by the development of nuclear weapons .


  2. He ruminated on the terrible wastage that typified American life


  3. a more intelligent and articulate breed of disc jockeys , typified by university graduate Simon Mayo .


  4. This dimension is typified by uncontrollable behaviors and fantasies regarding scenarios , such as “ I have frequent thoughts about my favorite celebrity , even when I don ’ t want to ” and “ My favorite celebrity would immediately come to my rescue if I needed any type of help ” .


  5. He typified for the age the spirit of romantic man .


  6. The round was typified by a practice swing before my approach at the long closing hole .


  7. The Typified Entrance Poetry of the Yuan Poetic Drama


  8. John F.Kennedy typified the new frontier spirit .


  9. Those peaks formed a straight downward slope , which typified the bull market in bonds .


  10. The Kyoto Protocol established a trading system for intangible goods flowing worldwide which are typified by carbon credit .


  11. Song poetic criticism was the new mode of literary criticism in this time , whose aesthetic thoughts typified this aesthetic category .


  12. Meningitis is typified by inflammation of the brain .


  13. Mannerism is also used to describe a style in architecture which is typified by michaelangelo 's later works .


  14. The tourist resources typified with scenery are special components of territorial resources , which are now faced with irrational development and utilization .


  15. He typified the old liberalism of Samuel smiles .


  16. An example of such an approach might be in the traditional business-to-business arena , typified by EDI standardization .


  17. He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured , but could not purify , himself .


  18. Firstly , the four state-owned commercial banks monopolize the financial market and it is inevitable that our financial innovation is typified by state-owned commercial banks .


  19. The change is mainly typified in the way that the Internet enables us to live in a cyber space where virtual space overlaps with reality .


  20. Folk architecture in the United States was typified during the settlement period by the use of the most easily available local materials for building in a traditional manner .


  21. The intensity of UV absorption peak of LDL increased , while fluorescence and synchronous fluorescence intensities , which typified amino acids , decreased .


  22. The main focus of interest is now on the huge conurbations in the interior of the country , typified by cities such as Chongqing .


  23. So it ever is , whether thus typified or no , that an evil deed invests itself with the character of doom .


  24. After all , the poor don 't have anything to share in what so far is an " un-sharing " global economy typified by widening economic disparities .


  25. But he is fighting a paradox seen throughout emerging markets and typified by China : high gross domestic product growth often goes hand-in-hand with lousy stock returns .


  26. Such behaviour also typified his dealings with authority , which he still naively expected to maintain literal truth-telling and constancy of policy .


  27. Their bond feels awkwardly developed , as typified by a shouting match over the bike and a playful car-washing scene .


  28. The Renaissance began in northern Italy in the early 14th century , and was typified by the universal genius of Leonardo Da Vinci .


  29. Induced porosity is typified by fracture development as found in some shales and limestones and by the vugs or solution cavities commonly found in limestones .


  30. Industrialization requires two major structure transformations . One is the economic structure transformation , which is typified by industrial economic structure . Another is the social structure transformation , which is typified by population structure .
