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  1. One factor is the physical differences between Kobe and Tohoku .


  2. If people stop buying rice from Tohoku * we 'll have a tricky problem .


  3. More than a year has passed since tragedy struck the Tohoku region of Japan .


  4. When I was young , I practiced way out in tohoku .


  5. Tohoku is now cited as the likely focus of a national drive to develop renewable energy .


  6. Tohoku , the region of which the devastated coast is part , would certainly be a good place to start .


  7. It will cause a tsunami to hit Japan in a very similar fashion to the Tohoku earthquake .


  8. Those selected will tour the region and post an article about their experiences on the Visit Tohoku website , mainly in English or Chinese .


  9. There is , for example , an emerging consensus that coastal Tohoku cannot simply be rebuilt as it was .


  10. Before the March tsunami , even most Japanese were unaware that the Tohoku region produced anything other than rice and fish .


  11. Not least , the fortitude and determination shown by the people of Tohoku have offered an inspirational model for a discouraged nation .


  12. More broadly , Mr Kan should seize the national mood of solidarity with Tohoku to persuade people to accept difficult reforms .


  13. The damage in the Tohoku region , by contrast , is spread out across a long coastline and the tsunami was especially destructive .


  14. Disparities in wealth spread during this period , following an export boom during World War I and subsequent crop failures in the Tohoku region .


  15. He has yet to spell out deregulatory proposals that would encourage private companies to invest , in Tohoku and elsewhere .


  16. The Tokyo-based company will set up a subsidiary called Visit Tohoku on Jan. 5 in Sendai to run the project .


  17. Higher taxes will be needed not just to pay for reconstruction in Tohoku but also to help shore up Japan 's overstretched social-security system .


  18. The 9.0 magnitude Tohoku earthquake that devastated Japan in March 2011 was an absolute monster - the fifth-largest in recorded history .


  19. More recently , a study at the University of Tohoku in Japan found that drinking one or more cups of green tea a day reduces the risk of cavities .


  20. It is only now , almost six months after the Tohoku earthquake , that the scale of the damage to Japan Inc can be properly assessed .


  21. But a bigger factor is that , whereas the economic damage from Kobe ended with the earthquake , Tohoku is facing an electricity shortage and a nuclear crisis .


  22. Markets around the world are already " discounting " the economic impact of the great Tohoku earthquake , as they will continue to as the extent of the damage unfolds .


  23. Pasona will cover travel expenses to the Tohoku region of foreign users with a significant number of followers on Twitter , Facebook and other SNS .


  24. Dr. Kimura has stated that he predicted the Tohoku earthquake four years before it happened , but his prediction and evidence were ignored by the Pacific Science Congress .


  25. Some parts of Tohoku are remote and inaccessible so the speed of reconstruction will be slower than after Kobe , and disruption to supply chains may take longer to resolve .


  26. Although very pricey , Zoo Jeans proved extremely popular , so this year , the Tohoku Gakuin University is selling another 10 pairs designed by lions , via online auction .


  27. It appears [ that it ] will take time before the whole transportation and distribution system starts working normally , Mr Kanno said . Business activities , especially in the Tohoku area will be damaged .


  28. When the Tohoku earthquake shifted the landmass of Japan , 20 of the 110 active volcanoes in Japan showed increased seismic activity , leading experts to believe one may erupt any day .


  29. Zoo Jeans are part of a revitalization campaign for Japn 's Tohoku region , and were originally thought up at Sendai City 's Tohoku Gakuin University .


  30. Then I know that I have entered Tohoku , the northern region of Japan where the goddesses and demons of legend seem to be alive and seafood is sweet .
