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  • 网络托拉;具有旋转激励的平移振荡器;豹王;临时预定路由算法;三甲胺N-氧化物还原酶
  1. An extensive evaluation study is performed to examine the effectiveness of TORA .


  2. Experimental study on effects of composite cassia tora extracts regulating the blood lipid


  3. A novel fuzzy logic control scheme for the TORA system is developed based on genetic algorithm and the single input rule modules .


  4. Study of compound electuary of Cassia tora for regulating blood lipids in rats


  5. For a week she had not heard from tora .


  6. We analytically prove the truthfulness and individual rationality of TORA .


  7. TORA , which uses directed acyclic graph and link reversal , adaptive to the extremely active mobile network .


  8. The Effect of Seed Extract of Cassia Tora on Transcription of Lipid Metabolism Gene and Mechanism of Action in Mice


  9. Conclusion : the water-soluble polysaccharide of Semen Cassia Tora possess a strong capability of antioxidation .


  10. Our proof also shows that the truthfulness of TORA does not depend on the knowledge of the bidder behavior .


  11. Tora was easily smitten , but his love stayed unrequited ; and with a broken heart he would begin yet another journey .


  12. In simulations based on OPNET it was shown that M-TORA could outperform the classical TORA in decreasing delay and improving the network packet delivery ratio .


  13. M-TORA is a new multi-path routing protocol based on temporally ordered routing algorithm ( TORA ) proposed for mobile Ad hoc networks ( MANET ) .


  14. Comparison of Contents of Some Active Components Between Crude and Processed Seeds of Sickle Senna ( Cassia tora ) and Their Decoctions by HPLC


  15. But the public prosecutor says the former president is now fit enough to be transferred to Tora prison in Cairo , where his sons are being held .


  16. With the proposed allocation methods and pricing strategy , TORA is able to perform multiple-round online allocations with both time-truthfulness and bid-truthfulness .


  17. US soldiers and Afghan militia forces launched a large-scale assault on the Tora Bora mountains in2001 in pursuit of Saudi-born bin Laden .


  18. Based on Lagrange equations , the dynamics is derived for an underactuated translational oscillators with rotating actuator ( TORA ) that actuator motion occurs in a vertical plane .


  19. I 've killed Tora daisuke .


  20. There were frenzied meetings in Dakar and Tora Bora and a night in Jalalabad when they split up and she cried into the small hours .


  21. Mice were fed high-fat-diet and treated by seed extract of cassia tora for 4 week , at the same time , the calcium acetate and calcium inhibitor Nifedipine were also used to treated the mice .


  22. Our evaluation results demonstrate that TORA is able to achieve a higher level of bidder satisfaction at a lower WSP cost . Secondly , we propose an online auction based relay selection scheme for cooperative communication in CR networks .


  23. Upon receipt of a letter from Lily telling tora that she would like to see him before she dies , tora rushes to okinawa , where lily has fainted during one of her performances .


  24. NO interaction with Al-induced oxidative stress in C. tora might be described as following process : NO enhanced POD activity , decreased LOX activity , and resulted in improved capacity for scavenging H2O2 and thus reduced lipid peroxidation .


  25. We propose a Truthful Online Reverse Auction ( TORA ) mechanism so as to allow the WSP to purchase ACPs at a lower cost and the femtocell owners to gain higher satisfaction under the truthfulness constraints .


  26. The price set on his head for more than a decade never bothered him , for Allah determined every breath in his body , and could ensure that the bombs dropped on his hideout at Tora Bora , or on his convoy through the mountains , never touched him .
