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  • 网络前5名;五大
  1. The top5 comments Just go to show why it 's degrading .


  2. It would make my list of Top5 must read testing books and Top10 must read agile books .


  3. Here , then , is my list of the top5 tools you can use to get started .


  4. She ranked in the top5 % of her class throughout her academic career .


  5. Maintain and develop key performance indicators , identify top5 problems and drive process improvements through data collection , analysis & reporting .


  6. Well , there are many tips that may help you pass an exam , and I 've selected the top5 !


  7. I 'm top5 % of my class , editor of the law review , I 'm published , I 'm young .


  8. No matter what happens on Saturday , Li Na will become the first ever Chinese player to break into the world Top5 next week .


  9. In addition to this top5 , attention should be paid to the following points , which are frequently not appropriately documented ;


  10. That 's fine , so instead of focusing on the top5 character strengths , concentrate on the bottom of the list .


  11. Roughly two million applicants take part each year , but only the top100,000 ( or the top5 % ) are admitted .


  12. In a case study highlighted by the AWS team , a top5 pharmaceutical company was looking to perform molecular modeling against millions of compound targets .


  13. Finally , in the last year of senior high school , my score increased crazily . I was never been out of the top5 in all tests .


  14. ECCO is one of the World 's top5 rawhide processing manufacturer , well known as the supplier of high-quality leather for shoe industry .


  15. Considering that India is belongs to the top5 worst places to live for women if anything you should be praying for the people of India .


  16. International Circulation : What are the top5 findings or clinical trials in the last year that you think have had a tremendous impact on the stroke in the clinical practice ?


  17. So far you have seen what we think are10-6 of the top10 most common errors for beginners . We 'll see you next time for the top5 .


  18. INQ says they got Facebook to extend their social graph API and then are using behind-the-scenes wizardry to suggest top5 / 10 / 20 friends you interact most with .


  19. Rounding out the top5 in the dishiest dad competition after Beckham and Pitt was celebrity chef Jamie oliver , TV star Jonathan Ross and recent father Tom cruise .


  20. All six videos made it into the top5 Most Viewed of the Day , and the two that went truly viral ( 1.5 million views each ) were # 1 and # 2 Most Viewed of the Week .
