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  • 网络Java内存模型
  1. The locks are created when the map is created ( there would be JMM problems if they were not . )


  2. In the absence of synchronization , it is allowable ( according to the JMM ) for two threads to see different values in the same memory location .


  3. Study on JMM and DCL Invalidation


  4. When a thread exits a synchronized block as part of releasing the associated monitor , the JMM requires that the local processor cache be flushed to main memory .


  5. We can extend the lock granularity technique to handle this situation , although we must be careful as there are some potential Java Memory Model ( JMM ) hazards associated with this approach .


  6. In the same time , Java Memory Model ( JMM ) allows compilers to change the executing order of programs in the optimization progress . This will lead to lots of unexpected errors in multithreaded Java programs .


  7. Based on the deficiency , this paper analyses Java Memory Model ( JMM ), the reason for DCL invalidation and the interior mechanism of " ThreadLocal " . The strategy to design the object of class by singleton model is proposed .
