to char

to charto char
  1. The immediate batch will require deodorization to char the protein material to facilitate removal in bleaching .


  2. The study of influential factors to char gasification reaction and mechanism


  3. An optimal parallel algorithm to char / Chinese character string matching


  4. Unreacted-Core Shrinking Model and Its Application to Char with Steam Gasification Reaction


  5. Study on rheology and soakage of pitch to char aggregates


  6. The nitrogen existence form , NO_X formation mechanism of fuel nitrogen and proportion of volatile nitrogen to char nitrogen during combustion are summarized .


  7. Frequently transcoding from XMLCh to char and vice versa can have a significant impact on performance , so wherever possible , try to process the data in one format .


  8. The standard C library defines two additional error-related global variables , sys_nerr ( an int ) and sys_errlist ( an array of pointers to char ) .


  9. A fast approach to ( char / chinese character ) text searching


  10. Error : While formatting the check out time to a char type .


  11. A fast approach to ( char / chinese character ) text searching allowing errors


  12. Transport of vapor through the char pores to the char surface .


  13. An efficient approach to computing char / Chinese character strings ' edit distances and edit paths


  14. Recently , missense AP - 2 β gene mutations were shown to cause Char syndrome .


  15. The pyrolytic products of scrape tires include pyrolytic oil , solid residue that is also referred to as char and gas .


  16. In the poly-generation system , coal is pyrolyzed to produce char , tar and gases by heated from coal combustion .


  17. In non-isothermal TGA , Doyle and Coats-Redfern approximate equations can be used to simulate char gasification behaviors .


  18. It is shown that ammonium polyphosphates ( APP ) can change the path of thermal degradation of starch and promote it to form char .


  19. Take the straighten die process of mould & die industry as the example which has obtained to Gantt char after the optimization algorithm and proved the feasibility of algorithm .


  20. Analyze to the char - acteristic of the intrusion detection technique for newly and unknown attack , and brings forward algorithm of Network Intrusion Detection based on Fuzzy C-means Clustering .


  21. The total number of bytes allocated to those CHAR [ ] objects is128512 , which averages out to96.0 bytes per CHAR [ ] object .


  22. The main purpose of this thesis was aimed to strengthen char formation of intumescent flame retarded low density polyethylenes by adding oxidant and charring agent in order to improve the flame retardancy properties of LDPE blends .


  23. In non - isothermal TGA , Doyle and Coats-Redfern approximate equations can be used to simulate char gasification behaviors . Comparing with E obtained via isothermal TGA , two approximations obtained the best yield at different heating rates , respectively .


  24. An effective approach to parallel approximate char / chinese character string searching


  25. Where possible , it is best to avoid using char and short as local variables .


  26. I might even be willing to throw Prince char into the deal .


  27. First we use the str function from Clojure to convert the char to a string .


  28. To develop bamboo char fiber product , physical property of bamboo char fiber was tested , and compared with viscose fiber and bamboo fiber .


  29. Add the potatoes and stir-fry until a golden peel forms , but be careful not to let them char or stick .


  30. The initial decomposition temperature of wood powder would be lowed the 40k after adding molybdenum which contributes to produce more char that produced by the cellulose dehydration at low temperature .
