taking apart

There was definitely a way of taking apart this door .
Research and analysis of multi-dimensional association rules mining Taking Apart Apriori Algorithms
I was always taking apart some car .
But for taking apart the models of classroom teaching diagnosis clearly , we separate them .
Workers were busy taking apart televisions , cell phones and computers -- anything electronic .
When I was a kid , I was always , like , taking apart boxes and stuff .
we 've covered them yellow and orange -- that are responsible for taking apart this clathrin cage .
And Mr Dunham is preparing for the Christmas season by repeatedly assembling and taking apart a purple bicycle on his front porch .
The price reduction caught the attention of iSuppli , an analysts'firm known for taking apart gadgets to estimate how much they cost their manufacturers to put together .
Ann E. refers to her work as " unwinding " and likens the process to taking apart a big ball of tangled necklaces .
Choosing toys that involve the actions of putting together or taking apart can help develop a child 's hand and eye coordination as well as his fine motor skills .
A Fourier transform is kind of like taking apart a puzzle , you start with a completed picture and end up with smaller pieces that each make up part of the whole .
The text tries to examine the panorama of Tie Ning 's novels from an overall angle , hackling and taking apart the unusual Feminism Consciousness in the novels .
To explore the causes led to suicidal psychology and action by taking apart one case with cancer who had suicidal action , it is expected to give some revelation to clinical physicians , in order to avoid such tragedy happening again .
Chinese cities show the obvious characteristics of transition under the dual roles of market and globalization , thus urban spatial structure has entered a dramatic remodeling process : the differences of urban space are rapidly expanding ; and the social space structure of unban is continuously taking apart .
Lonnie Johnson always loved taking things apart .
This is just one example of expressions that can 't be understood by taking them apart word by word .
Born in London , he was always taking things apart as a child .
The act of taking something apart ( as a piece of machinery ) .
If you want to build lists instead of taking them apart , you need constructors .
Ever since I was a child I 've enjoyed taking things apart and putting them together again .
So one day I was hacking something , I was taking it apart , and I had this sudden idea :
The chronically on-again , off-again couple are taking time apart , but are reportedly still thinking about each other very much .
Well , we shall see about that . I do not take kindly to threats , and I will enjoy taking you apart a piece-at-a time .
Some gifted students are so good at deciphering a character by taking it apart that they can figure out what western civilization and Chinese civilization happen to share .
Can taking time apart from each other help your relationship or is taking a break simply a way to avoid certain issues that will still be there waiting for you when you get back together ?
Every relationship varies and it is important that every couple understands that taking time apart is not a substitute for fixing or solving problems , because if you part when you are having problems ,
Taking time apart can help a relationship build a better bond because you will both replenish yourselves during the break and will then be able to give the relationship the efforts and attention needed to keep it healthy .
Of the 118 elements , 30 of them-like helium , carbon , aluminum , iron , and ammonia-can be bought in pure form in local retail stores . Another few dozen can be scavenged by taking things apart ( you can find tiny americium samples in smoke detectors ) .
What am I doing ? Taking its parts apart .