
美 [dɪsˈmembərmənt]英 [dɪsˈmembəmənt]
  • n.肢解;(国家或组织的)分裂,瓦解



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 肢解
    Dismemberment is the cutting or pulling into pieces of a body.

    They found a scene of unbelievable horror involving bodies in various states of decay and dismemberment.


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT (国家或组织的)分裂,瓦解
    Dismemberment is the breaking up into smaller parts of a country or organization.

    ...the dismemberment of Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh in 1971.

    1971 年巴基斯坦的分裂和孟加拉国的建立


the removal of limbs;being cut to pieces
Synonym: taking apart


  1. Magical Effect and Dismemberment & on the application of idioms in advertising language ; Shorthand Skills and Quick Adoptions


  2. After years of films exploring dismemberment , torture , and human centipedes , what can still shock audiences ?


  3. The Benefit is based on your age at time of Death or Dismemberment .


  4. Well , the sense of the body as grotesque goes beyond just dismemberment .


  5. The funeral of dismemberment is an important phenomena in the prehistoric eras .


  6. The Catch - 22 of his administration was that every grandiose improvement scheme began with community dismemberment ( Village Voice )


  7. If the dismemberment of Ukraine began in earnest , others might be tempted to join in .


  8. I don 't think we want our kids'culture defined by killing , mayhem and dismemberment as entertainment .


  9. Third scheme , a new method of network dismemberment and marginal conditions raised by authors can efficiently increase the calculation velocity and precision of numerical simulation .


  10. With both the bank levy and the proposed dismemberment of the banks , Mr Cameron would rather be part of an international consensus .


  11. At a few places , inclusions can be seen to be derived by dismemberment of partings .


  12. Lately period , the process of Chinese literature changes much , there 's not only the wildly hot attitude to literature , but also the dismemberment behavior of literature .


  13. The demolition plan of combining non-electric delayed detonation , dismemberment in the air under gravity action with bidirectional folding collapse was adopted .


  14. We have here an indication that dismemberment - the truly Dionysian suffering - was like a separation into air , water , earth , and fire ,


  15. This article introduced the slaughter of otter hare , and the dismemberment , the refrigeration , also the processing craft of products of the meat .


  16. The dismemberment of Fortis into its constituent parts reminded everyone that national governments are likely to be on the hook if trouble strikes .


  17. We will pay the insured a lump sum payment in the event of a death , burns or dismemberment as a result of an accident .


  18. Chuang-tzu 's Supernatural encounter in the story of " dismemberment of ox by Paodin " is also a view without looking .


  19. Too much reading often put a complete and art rich article dismemberment , ignoring the text in a word and sentence , paragraph , and contextual integrity between contacts .


  20. Ford motor is considering the sale of its Volvo car division , a move that would mark the final dismemberment of its premium-car business outside North America .


  21. It will ponder admitting a new member and the dismemberment of the colonial borders in the spirit of the original Pan Africanists .


  22. The author analyzes two kinds of phenomena of idioms application in advertising language : magical effect of original form and dismemberment of denaturation and points out the necessity of standard application of idioms .


  23. The United States hopes to generate a group of small Balkan-countries through the way of dismemberment of Yugoslavia in order to get world leadership , control the oil and earn the money .


  24. Hill , the mummies are everywhere , the skeleton was dismemberment of the body , the legs of the trip at any time great thick wool fabric and wood debris .


  25. He said to the board that he was going to tell Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady he would not serve as interim chairman ; he had come to save the firm , not to oversee its dismemberment .


  26. " Over the long course of history , the Chinese nation has witnessed changes of dynasties , transfers of governments , local separatist regimes , and foreign invasions , especially the untold invasions and dismemberment by foreign powers in modern history "


  27. Chili 's attention to individual 's fate and inquiry about the truth of living , together with the Pioneer Literature comprise the dismemberment from the ideal paroles and mammoth narration , which has dominated the world of letters for a long time .


  28. Just like the cognitive divisions of things in the universe by mankind in antiquity , such concepts as nationalities and clans are a subjective dismemberment of a continuous pedigree , and are variable in accordance with the different stands of the recognizers .
