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  1. Conclusion Fatigue is chief cause of symtom in musculoskeletal system .


  2. The clinical observation to the speech symtom and effect of rehabilitation with the crossed aphasia


  3. Objective : To observe the clinical effect of metoprolol in treatment of children 's Beta-receptor hyperfunction symtom .


  4. 5 ( 42 % ) of them had abdominal symtom ;


  5. This article has systematically depicted the main trouble and the related analysis method of CSP rolling mill AGC hydraulic system , furthermore enumerated the trouble and symtom corresponding table .


  6. Aim : To estimate the incidence of free intervertebral disc cartilage protrusion complicated with cauda equina injury and analyse the importance of clinical symtom , physical sign and image examination .


  7. Conclusion The disease is easily misdiagnosis owing to an long intermission after injury , and the symtom of intraabdominal hemorrhage are conceal ( misdiagnosis rate 36 % ) .


  8. This paper related to a special nerve symtom which was occured from 1950-1951 after the yaks were immune to lapinized rinderpest virus , when yak rinderpest greatly prevailed throughout Qinghai province .


  9. Conclusions : Electro-acupuncture can modulate the function of integer and ovarian local circumstance of the patients who with PCOS undergoing IVF-ET , so as to improve the symtom of deficiency of kidney , heighten the quality of oocyte and the outcome of pregnancy .
