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  • 网络希伯;EB病毒原位杂交
  1. Results : EBER 1 was not detected in normal and simple hyperplasia of nasopharyngeal epithelial cells and metaplasia of nasopharyngeal mucosal epithelia .


  2. And EBER lived thirty-four years and begot peleg .


  3. Methods The clinicopathologic analysis , immunohistochemistry , in situ hybridization for EBER and PCR for TCR - γ gene rearrangement were employed in this study .


  4. METHODS : EBV-encoded RNA ( EBER ) in 15 cases of early-stage NPC biopsy tissue was detected by nucleic acid in situ hybridization .


  5. Two sons were born to Eber : One was named Peleg , because in his time the earth was divided ; his brother was named Joktan .


  6. The EBV was confirmed by the EBER in situ-hybridization ( EBER-ISH ) of pathological tissue .


  7. EBV EBER in situ hybridization was positive in 3 / 19 cases , and all were T cell type , and there were 30 % ~ 80 % positive tumor cells in it .


  8. Ships will come from the shores of Kittim ; they will subdue Asshur and Eber , but they too will come to ruin .


  9. Methods Seven cases of lymphomatoid lesion of the uterine cervix in the archives of the Department of Pathology were examined by light microscopy , immunohistochemical technique , EBER in situ hybridization and TCR and IgH gene rearrangements , and analysed with clinical features as well as follow-up data .
