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  • abbr.电子视频记录器;电子录像器(Electronic Video Recorder);电子视频记录器;电子录像器(Electronic Video Recorder);早期病毒学应答(Early Virological Response)
  1. Charles Evr é monde , called Darnay , in right of such proscription , absolutely Dead in Law .


  2. Model of EVR of risk management in regional ecosystem and its application


  3. To study the influence of EVR on the treatment of chronic hepatitis B with Lamivudine .


  4. The supposed Evr é mode helps the young girl down from the cart .


  5. The Effects of Early Viral Response ( EVR ) on The Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B with Lamivudine


  6. ' The Citizen Evr é monde , called Darnay , ' said the first .


  7. Charles Evr é monde , called Darnay , had reason to know the usage ;


  8. ' We have new laws , Evr é monde , and new offences , since you were here . '


  9. Lucie his daughter . The wife of Evr é monde .


  10. I told your father that my real name was Evr é monde , and he made me promise not to tell you .


  11. Why should we stop at Evr é monde ? '


  12. After the death of Evr é monde at three this afternoon we 'll go to the Tribunal and accuse them . '


  13. Madame Defarge stepped forward and called loudly , ' Citizen Doctor ! Wife of Evr é monde ! Answer me ! '


  14. Objective To discuss the safety , feasibility , efficacy and problem of endovascular repair ( EVR ) for ruptured aortic aneurysm ( RAA ) .


  15. Lucie his daughter . The wife of Evr é monde . Which is she ? '


  16. ' The Citizen Evr é monde , where is he ? He is again the prisoner of the people . '


  17. She went back to her husband and Jacques Three , who were talking . ' He is very much like Evr é monde , ' she said softly .


  18. Don 't forget that I was that younger sister . And it was my family that suffered so much from the Evr é monde brothers .


  19. Objective To explore the indications , methods , problems and clinical prospects of endovascular repair ( EVR ) of aortic dissection and abdominal aortic aneurysm ( AAA ) .


  20. The door of his prison cell opened and a man said , ' Follow me , Evr é monde ! 'and Carton followed him into a large , dark room .


  21. The door of his prison cell opened and a man said , ' Follow me , Evr é monde ! 'and Carton followed him into a large , dark room .


  22. Surgical management for access artery in the endovascular exclusion repair of aorta Objective To evaluate the efficacy of endovascular repair ( EVR ) for aneurysms or dissection aneurysms of the aortic arch .


  23. Based the research about ecological risk theory , the model of EVR has been established with use of VaR which is a very popular risk management model in international market . EVR is a new and useful risk management in regional ecosystem .


  24. Also attending is Evercore Partners ( EVR ) President and CEO Ralph Schlosstein and wife Jane Hartley , co-founder of the Observatory Group , an economic and political advisory firm .


  25. ( the lucky winners of the latest jackpot are centerview partners , evercore partners ( EVR ) , and Goldman Sachs ( GS ) . )


  26. Death for the hated Marquis of Evr é monde , enemy of the people ! The trial was over , and in less than twenty-four hours Charles Darnay would go to the Guillotine .


  27. In the system identification model , the EVR and the characteristics of the learning curve prove the superiority of this algorithm . ( 2 ) Compared to the LMS algorithm , block LMS ( BLMS ) algorithm speeds up obviously .


  28. ' When we go from here , Citizen Evr é monde , will you let me hold your hand ? I am not afraid but I am little and weak , and it will help to make me brave . '


  29. If it is true , I am willing to die , but I do not know how that can be . I heard that you were set free , Citizen Evr é monde , ' she went on . '


  30. With the development of the artificial vascular graft manufacture techniques and the EVR ( endovascular repair ), the expect of artificial blood vessels is more and more , and people expect the artificial blood vessels to get the whole performance of truth blood vessels .
