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  • 网络次要情节
  1. Too many stunts , too many subplots , too many villains jammed in from the Marvel Comics universe , too many romping , stomping , clanking iron armies .


  2. Other significant subplots include the adventures of Lydia , the youngest Bennet daughter .


  3. From there , the story branches off into various subplots .


  4. Cui 's got so much ambition in storytelling that the two subplots don 't sit comfortably within the movie .


  5. The story in this sequel will again focus on harem survival , as well as having romance as subplots .


  6. There are 8804 subplots which belong to 9 species ( groups ), 28 site types , 3 origins , and 14 third-classes forest types .


  7. It is not only descriptive passages that have suffered in the editing . Some of the characters and subplots have disappeared altogether .


  8. As its running time suggests , The Dark Knight Rises is a sprawling , epic feast of a movie , with side characters , subplots and diversions .


  9. Meanwhile , other subplots such as a merger of the retail arm with Postbank , or a complex asset swap with Lloyds TSB appear to be unravelling .


  10. You can remove scenes of Ron playing quidditch from the fifth book , and you can remove Hermione and S.P.E.W. [ Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare ] and those subplots
