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  1. Free multiple flaps of lower extremity for severly burned hand reconstruction


  2. Tuberculosis is one of the infectious diseases which endanger the health of human most severly .


  3. When a late schistosomiasis showed a severly damaged tolerance , the cause of the liver disease may be mixed .


  4. Conclusion : The function of T lymphocytes ′ of the patients may be damaged severly after sever burn .


  5. Research on the heat preservation and crack-prevention measures for RCC gravity dam in severly cold and dry area


  6. Water flushing in a profile is severly nonhomogeneous ;


  7. We performed ankle fusion when the distal tibia joint were severly comminuted in type III fracture .


  8. A motorcycling accident had left her severly disabled .


  9. Conclusion : Results Suggest that the level of lipids increase , the level of immunity increase , the degree of arteriosclerosis will be severly .


  10. At semantic stratification , it is firmly connected with subject or object and severly limit their semantemes .


  11. Job-related crimes severly endanger the political stability and economic development of a nation , thus , governance of them becomes a common problem faced the world .


  12. Hepatitis B is a severly human-threatened disease which will lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) without timely treatment .


  13. The pressure which the basin taken is transformed to the ecology output industies in the upper reaches , and make its own development severly damaged .


  14. The long last of bushfire , causing the failure of transmission line 's reclosing , repeated trips or failure to rework in a short time , severly threatens power system 's safety and stability .


  15. Furthermore , the distribution of resources in China is severly uneven . However , nearly two-third of the land in China is mountainous areas . Hence , more and more transmission lines have to cross mountainous area with continuous construction of power grid .


  16. Methodes : 27 of 53 cases with severly bilateral frontal cerebral contusion have been operated by decompression of bilateral frontal lobes with 6 hours , 26 cases were given conservative therapy first , the theraputic results were compared and studied .


  17. It has large volume , high power , and high sound pressure level which can reach 100 ~ 130dB ( A ) . The noise severly pollutes the internal and external sound circumstance of the powerhouse and exerts an influence upon the workers ' health .
