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  • n.可用于诊断、调试和教学的Linux用户空间跟踪器
  1. The Linux strace program lets you trace all the system calls that an application makes .


  2. Strace receives information from the kernel and does not require the kernel to be built in any special way .


  3. Tracing system calls with strace


  4. The strace command is a powerful tool that shows all of the system calls issued by a user-space program .


  5. Strace displays the calls like this as well , regardless of the actual programming language used in the creation of the program .


  6. Next , we can try to run the program ( again without the suid bit ) under strace .


  7. As you saw , strace can be a great program for learning how user programs interact with the operating system through certain system calls .


  8. The utility is called strace and is executed from the command line , using the application you want to trace as its argument .


  9. The second parameter , - p13375 , tells strace to attach to the running process with that process ID.


  10. Launch another xterm , and then use strace to trace the nweb server that is running .


  11. Next , the strace command is run with two parameters : - e trace = file limits the output to system calls having to do with files .


  12. Just as with strace , you can stop debugging the nweb server by pressing Ctrl + C.


  13. You can use a tool like file / truss / strace to check which libraries files are been loaded , which could point to errors in the environment .


  14. As always , you can learn a lot about tools , such as strace and the GDB Debugger , from their man and info pages .


  15. Strace reports all system calls used by the program along with their return values , so we can look through the strace output for return values indicating lack of permission .


  16. You can stop tracing the network calls on the running nweb process by pressing Ctrl + C when the xterm in which the strace is running has the window focus .


  17. UNIX actually encourages you to explore and learn by providing tools , such as strace and the GDB Debugger , as well as a wealth of information in the man and info pages .


  18. You can do it ( see strace ( 1 ) for some information about what this would look like ), but it 's hard , and it requires a separate process that runs yours ( much like a debugger ) .
