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  • 网络函数;根号
  1. Sqrt fails if the argument is a negative value .


  2. The help output for the math module shows the wide range of mathematical functions supported , including the sqrt function .


  3. Sqrt square root . I 'm saying , this is the name I 'm going to give to this function .


  4. On running this test , the BOOST_CHECK macro fails despite the fact that you 're using the sqrt function provided as part of the standard library .


  5. Less spectacular , but much easier to implement is Grover 's algorithm which searches an unordered list of N items in O ( sqrt ( N )) time .


  6. It contains a nested loop that calls exp (), cos (), and sin (), followed by a loop that calls sin () and sqrt () .


  7. But if we apply Mix () to a bit that 's in the | 1 > state we get sqrt ( 0.5 )( | 0 > - | 1 > ) .


  8. All right ? So if I called sqrt alone , that return test value is done , but in this case I bound it to test , so I can go look at test , and there it is .


  9. Equivalent representation of nonsquare constants of symmetric Minkowski planes is obtained , and a conclusion that pointwise nonsquare constants of symmetric Minkowski planes achieve sqrt 2 uniformly at some point is obtained .


  10. The Mix () operator ( Hadamard operator ) when applied to a bit in the | 0 > state will transform the state into sqrt ( 0.5 )( | 0 > + | 1 > ) as in the example above .


  11. Now that I 've written sqrt , I can just use it anywhere I want in the code . You 've got to rely on the fact that I wrote it correctly , but you can basically suppress the details of how it 's used .
