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  • 网络平方英寸;阿尔巴尼亚语
  1. Making use of general Wu formulae , the actions of Sqi on the generators are discussed .


  2. SQI of farmland was at the middle level , indicating that there would be room for improvement through proper land management .


  3. The calculation results of the soil quality index ( SQI ) showed that soil quality had degenerated seriously and stayed at low level in the study area .


  4. The results showed that plasma motilin level was higher significantly than that of the control group ( P < 0.01 ), but was remarkably lower than that of SQI .


  5. The Plasma motilin level in 44 cases patients with Spleen-Yin deficiency ( SYD ) was observed and compared with Spleen-Qi lnsufficiency ( SQI ), the normal control group .


  6. Based on the manifold learning and self quotient image ( SQI ), a logarithmic-wavelet transform ( Log-WT ) is defined for the elimination of lighting effect in the image .


  7. Due to comparatively large environmental stress , SQI of wetlands was the lowest . However , it should be considered carefully to how to improve and utilize wetlands as a potential exploitable soil .


  8. There were also positive correlations between earthworm abundance of paddy soil and soil quality index ( SQI ), soil degeneration index ( SDI ), biological index of fertility ( BIF ), indicating earthworm abundance can be used as indicator of paddy soil quality in this study area .


  9. Soil quality index ratings ranged from 0.552 ( R-R-WF treatment ) to 0.632 ( R-R-MV treatment ) among the four treatments . SQI and soil functional class of the R-R-MV treatment are the highest , the three winter green manure treatments are higher than the winter fallow treatment obviously .
