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  • 网络序列图;供应商质量开发工程师;全自动清洗过滤器;美的优质原产斯科特
  1. Starting with our use case and list of classes , we choose objects from those classes to interact , and we construct a SQD to show that interaction .


  2. But in our evolution of the design SQD , we have strictly demonstrated how our analysis and technical objects will interact with each other to carry out the work of our Reserve a Vehicle use case .


  3. The apoptotic cells in both the SSDH and SQD groups were higher than those in the control group .


  4. In just this small snippet of our design SQD , we have almost as many messages as the entire analysis sequence diagram .


  5. As to data flow , Specification and the steps were described in detail in SQD and DXF two function modules , to ensure data integrity and accuracy .


  6. We have mapped out quite a bit of interaction in this SQD , and we have discovered more operations on our classes .


  7. Except the normal controls and the SQD group , the other groups were stimulated an hour after giving the drug by 5 % ovalbumin solution .


  8. Semiconductor quantum dots ( SQDs ) play key roles in quantum computation and quantum information processes , and SQD is expected to be a promising entangled-photon source .


  9. In the middle of the SQD is the reservation servlet , which is a controller that knows the steps that have to be carried out to allow a customer to reserve a vehicle .


  10. As we develop later parts of this SQD , or SQDs for other use cases , we would discover more operations in all of our classes : operations for retrieval , storage , computation , etc.


  11. The reason of EGG alteration is perhaps associated with the changes of levels of plasma SS and Gas , especially the SS . The reason of the alterated plasma level of MTL and VIP in SQD need further study .


  12. To study the effect d serum from myasthenia gravis patient on minor-end-plate electric potential ( MEPP ) of Spleen-Qi Defi - ciency ( SQD ) rats and healthy rats by selecting phrenic nerves-diaphragmatic muscles as samples and recorded by glass micro - electrode .
