
  • 网络遗精;滑精
  1. It may fine kidney health and prevent spermatorrhea .


  2. The college nursing students ' sexual attitudes : The majority of college nursing students hold a scientific and healthy attitude toward menarche or spermatorrhea .


  3. The levels of serum leptin , testosterone of pre - spermatorrhea schoolboys were significantly higher than schoolboys without spermatorrhea .


  4. Results The levels of serum leptin , testosterone , FSH and LH of schoolboys with spermatorrhea were significantly higher than those of schoolboys without spermatorrhea .


  5. If a man harassed by illness one after another , such as sore , scab , inner heat and spermatorrhea etc. , we are sure that his life will be very painful .


  6. 【 Results 】 80.9 % of the parents observed their children 's growth ; only 29.9 % male students ' parents had ever told them about spermatorrhea before puberty , which was far less the percentage of 65.9 % girl students ' parents told them about emmenia ;
