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  • 网络垃圾邮件发送者;垃圾邮件制造者


someone who sends unwanted email (often in bulk)


  1. If not , a spammer could mint just one high bit-value stamp and use it everywhere .


  2. Be aware that by using services that block domain ownership information when you register a domain , Google might see you as a potential spammer .


  3. With every trade we make , comment we leave , person we " friend " , spammer we flag or badge we earn , we leave a trail of how well we can or can 't be trusted .


  4. Almost any time you roll out a clever new Web2.0 feature , you might be opening a door for a spammer .


  5. There are also broader patterns across almost all spammer activities , and some anti-spam techniques try to take advantage of these patterns .


  6. A careless spammer will just have the robot immediately send the POST , now that they have the required information .


  7. So far in this article I 've discussed approaches that focus on the sharp point of the spammer 's attack & the target site .


  8. Web beacons can also contain harmful code and be used to circumvent e-mail filters to deliver a spammer 's message .


  9. Also , once minted , I don 't want a stamp to be shared among every spammer who wants to send me mail .


  10. This first article explains how to assess whether a visitor is a spammer and how to organize site workflow to discourage spam .


  11. In the stone age of the Internet ( 10-15 years ago ), a typical spammer sent email spam by hand , eventually finding that his account was blocked .


  12. This is certainly a legitimate way to use the service and one that should not be punished through a blind algorithm that can 't distinguish a community manager from a spammer .


  13. At this point , the application is updated to allow the blogger , when deleting a comment , to flag a user or domain as a spammer .


  14. In the previous article in this column I looked at ways of using workflow to raise hurdles for spammer robots , ideally without undue inconvenience to legitimate users .


  15. Web spam refers to actions of web spammer intends to confuse or mislead search engines , making web pages ranked higher than the actual ranking in the search results .


  16. The minor exceptions to this are cases where the spammer really is trying to advertise directly to readers on that site and cases of pure malice or mischief .


  17. " A normal person rarely sends more than 100 messages within an hour even during holidays , unless he or she is a spammer or a cheater ," Sun said .


  18. The main problem with hashcash is that many spammers use " botnets ", or hacked computers that have been reprogrammed to obey the spammer 's commands .


  19. One form of honeypot pretends to be a dumb open HTTP proxy relay , but when a spammer uses it , the activity is logged and used to update blacklists .
