- 网络诡辩

I wasn 't taken in by his sophism .
" That 's a beautiful sophism " said the girl with a smile more beautiful still .
Enough of Sophism by the Petroleum Enterprises
Dialectical reasoning needs the " supervision " of analytical reasoning , otherwise it will lead to sophism .
Greek philosophy objects to rhetoric , not just objects to the sophism rhetoric , it objects to all kind of persuasive rhetoric .
Analysis of the Dialectical Relationship between the Management and Service in Logistic Management Dialectical reasoning needs the " supervision " of analytical reasoning , otherwise it will lead to sophism .
We all know the so-called sophism of the ancients , proving that Achilles would never overtake the tortoise , though Achilles walked ten times as fast as the tortoise .
Its essence is criticism and revolution , its forms are dialogue and dispute , its opposites are dogmatism and sophism , and its contents are unlimitedly abundant and concrete .
Therefore , the quantitative easing of the United States to print $ 600 billion is an absolute disaster for global economy , so the remark that hot money is beneficial by U. minister is sophism against facts .
How many times had he risen to his feet in the combat , held fast to the rock , leaning against sophism , dragged in the dust , now getting the upper hand of his conscience , again overthrown by it !
Therefore , his discussions on the doctrine of conception and language , ontology , epistemology , the doctrine of judgment , dianoetic , sophism , the standardization of language and Chinas unification are still the distillates of scholarship with positive values at present .