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  • 网络锤子科技;发布会
  1. Those critics have a point : Smartisan 's business model does borrow from Xiaomi .


  2. Mr. Li of Smartisan said customers in part get behind the company because they look up to Mr. Luo as a sort of freethinker in China .


  3. Smartisan , which features a hammer in its logo , does a lot to try to separate itself from the pack .


  4. If Smartisan deserves plaudits for hipness in China , it has yet to take the ultimate test and feel out foreign markets .


  5. Emulating Xiaomi , Smartisan also takes comments from fans on official company forums and encourages them to discuss the company 's products .


  6. Facing pressure from weibo users , Tmall assured its customers that two managers directly involved in the exaggeration of orders for the Smartisan T1 phone were fired .


  7. For Mr. Luo , who has 10.6 million followers on the Chinese social media site Weibo , every post is an advertisement , Mr. Li of Smartisan said in an interview .


  8. Analysts say Smartisan 's software and hardware design at times outshines those of larger companies , but they also argue that Mr. Luo 's celebrity is equally important to the company 's success .


  9. On October 11 , screenshots of the Smartisan phone 's Tmall page were circulated on weibo , which showed the page 's source code had the order number multiplied by three .


  10. To compete with already established giants like Huawei and Lenovo , companies like Smartisan and Meizu use social media , the fame of their founders and just about any other Internet trick they can think of to build a name for themselves .


  11. The smartphone , which works with a modified Android system and sells for 3500 yuan , was developed by Smartisan Digital Co. Tmall admitted it made a mistake through the twitter-like site and said a glitch a few days earlier wiped out pre-order data .
