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  • 网络双显卡;特定型语言障碍;托运书;索卢韦齐;特殊语言障碍
  1. Analysis and treatment of the fault of operation system and application software for SLi accelerator


  2. The application of a new type compound organic expander to SLI batteries


  3. The effects of paste moisture content before plate curing on the SLI battery performance


  4. Some researchers dispute the existence of a purely grammatical form of SLI .


  5. RESULTS : We present a case study of a boy , known as AZ , with SLI .


  6. SLI battery failure modes in relationship with separators


  7. Investigation and application of sealed maintenance-free SLI battery


  8. Children with SLI who were selected for the study had no hearing loss , general intellectual deficit or autism .


  9. After a SLI battery is put in use , it will be in storage state when vehicles are parked .


  10. The result shows that the complex has improved the-18 ℃ CCA for SLI batteries .


  11. I would suggest a460GT as a minimum , they are popular due to their common use in SLI .


  12. Objective To investigate the characteristics of cognitive disorder in elderly patients with silent lacunar infarctions ( SLI ) .


  13. Development of SLI Batteries


  14. It offers , fast , stabile and good motherboard that is capable of running two cards in SLI .


  15. Method : Fifty-six preschool children , half with and half without SLI , were studied in order to examine auditory-visual integration .


  16. Conclusion : Responses by the children with SLI indicated less impact of visual processing on speech perception than was seen with their normal peers .


  17. Purpose : It has long been known that children with specific language impairment ( SLI ) can demonstrate difficulty with auditory speech perception .


  18. Study of Premature Capacity Loss on VRLA Batteries ; The positive paste shedding leads to the degradation of the lead acid battery for SLI application .


  19. These results demonstrate that the difficulties with speech perception by SLI children extend beyond the auditory-only modality to include auditory-visual processing as well .


  20. Base on the project example , the application of the falsework sli pp age method in bolt net construction is introduced , and the import of construction and control quality is presented .


  21. The speech therapists ( STs ) are required to keep a register , detailed descriptive assessment reports and clinical notes properly for the SLI students at school .


  22. Conclusions : the proliferation of the chondrocyte cultured at2.5 % NCS might be promoted by SLI , which might be mediated by collagen synthesis .


  23. These findings indicated that these school-age children with SLI suffered a deficit in memorizing spatial positions of an array of objects but not in their memory for verbal stimuli .


  24. But in assessing both auditory and grammatical deficits in SLI kids , researchers led by Oxford University psychologist Dorothy Bishop have found the grammatical ones far more pervasive .


  25. Four hours later , the SLI concentration in the mucosa was still higher than the control level , while the SLI level in the plasma and the acid secretion were close to those of controls .


  26. The states of the production and requirements of the complete sets of lead acid batteries of automobile SLI battery in China were discussed . The development of the maintenance-free sealed lead acid batteries was the inevitable tendency .


  27. On the basis of the basic manufacturing process of RPM ( rapid prototype manufacturing ), three communicating models of RPM are constructed and discussed , and the SLI file is selected as the basic format of the remote inputting control .
